От Тлена и Безысходности, внушаемых Marble Hornets, полезла смотреть на тивитропы, что найдётся по категории Unreliable Narrator
Посмотрела в секцию "Комиксы".
Common in Twisted Tales. Examples include:
"Banjo Lessons": A man narrates, in increasingly detailed flashbacks, the circumstances that led him to have a psychotic break and murder his friends. He claims it's due to his suppressed rage over an incident where they killed and ate a dog while on their hunting trip, but a court sees through him and realizes the truth - "Banjo" the dog was actually their (black, while the men were white) hunting guide.
"Me An' Ol' Rex": A mentally disabled hick boy is beaten by his abusive father, but finds solace in "Rex", his dinosaur friend. Rex eventually grows bigger and begins eating people who the boy feeds to him. The boy eventually commits suicide because he knows he'll be blamed for the people's disappearance. We then discover that "Rex" is not a dinosaur, but his father, who was driven to cannibalism when locked in the shed for the boy's own protection. The dinosaur story was his delusion or lie.
A man narrates, in increasingly detailed flashbacks, the circumstances that led him to have a psychotic break and murder his friends.
Rex eventually grows bigger and begins eating people who the boy feeds to him. The boy eventually commits suicide because he knows he'll be blamed for the people's disappearance.
Оооооооооок... "МШ", ты меня не отпустишь, спасибо.
Я ещё там на мангу наткнулась. Kami no Kodomo ("Дитя Бога").
11 глав, очень специфическая и совершенно не манговская рисовка, кому надо - переведено на русский.
The latest work by the Nishioka siblings depicts the gruesome life story of a ruthless and brilliant serial killer as he grows up from a sociopathic child to a messiah-like figure. (c)
История серийного убийцы-социопата, рассказанная им самим. (c)
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А вот это
настолько в тему кажется к прочитанному мною "Заводному апельсину". О_о
Буду читать и думать мысли.
== +++ ==
| воскресенье, 18 января 2015