Я с трепетом продолжаю наблюдать за обновлениями блога Алекса Крэйли (который, напоминаю, is gone).
Это всё очень... heartbreaking.
Но хотя бы Алексу дали слово. Хотя бы теперь.
Но всё-таки, это чувство, когда читаешь вот это и знаешь, что двое из трёх людей, которые как ни в чём не бывало упоминаются в теперешнем времени, уже мертвы, а судьба третьего неизвестна... :<
в текстовом виде
Blog #4:
I’ve got the movie cast! Well technically not entirely, but the characters of Tim and Brian are! Those of you that came to the audition or saw the sides probably noticed that there was no character named Tim, but it’s the name I’m replacing the “friend” character with. However in a lucky twist, Brian Thomas has been cast as the character “Brian”, and Tim Wright is cast as the friend, so I figured “why not?” I’ll just make that character named Tim as well! Movies can be really strange like that sometimes.
After hearing the sсript spoken aloud I think I’m going to spend a few days punching up the dialogue to make it flow better. It flowed nicely in my head but that was before I was around potential actors with different cadences to their voices. Sometimes you know the exact person you’re going to cast only to have it changed around by who you have to work with.
-A. Kralie out