The act of observation changes the narrative
Вот! Сие есть плод наших совместных с faulpelz усилий по упорядочиванию видео тузеарка. :3 Информация в основном с вики, но тут много чего, в том числе собственные находки. Соображений по поводу и интерпретаций пока нет, хотя мысли по поводу есть.
И ахда. Сюда не вошли видео первого сезона, потому что на этапе основного сюжета они, полагаю, относительно незначимы, а ещё Quadrant и Null. Потому что расшифрованный Null морально убивает. Я серьёзно. Чувак, который занимался декодингом видео и постил расшифровки на ютубе, где-то в том районе ушёл в депрессию, демотивировался и теперь, по всей видимости, где-то смотрит в стенку пустым взглядом, обхватив себя руками за колени. По крайней мере, это именно то, что хочется сделать, когда начинаешь понимать, что всё это значит Потому что реально, такого ангстища, как в "Marble Hornets", я не видела вообще нигде и никогда. Даже близко. При более чем значительном багаже прочитанного/просмотренного.
ИЧСХ, вместе со складыванием паззла раскрываются всё новые и новые слои БОЛИ. Только думаешь, что это уже всё, ДНО, как выясняется ещё что-нибудь, типа внутренних конфликтов в Тузеарке, и насколько это всё было аццкой жестью. :<
И что самое обидное (обидное за Худи, например), - 99,999% посмотревших даже не знают, в каких местах надо переживать. Потому что для того, чтобы начинать понимать хоть что-то, нужны трёхмесячные интенсивные раскопки минимум на две головы. =\ И всё равно складывается пока только едва треть цепочки событий.
Вот начну соображать - точно надо будет макси-фик с интерпретацией канона писать. Но для этого, наверное, ещё года пол расшифровывать придётся.
Вот даже по кадрам из ста тридцати трёх видео пока разобраны единицы, а как ни сядешь расковыривать - обязательно что-нибудь найдёшь. И будешь сидеть, офигев, и думать - а это что, Ктулху их побери, значит???
И ахда. Сюда не вошли видео первого сезона, потому что на этапе основного сюжета они, полагаю, относительно незначимы, а ещё Quadrant и Null. Потому что расшифрованный Null морально убивает. Я серьёзно. Чувак, который занимался декодингом видео и постил расшифровки на ютубе, где-то в том районе ушёл в депрессию, демотивировался и теперь, по всей видимости, где-то смотрит в стенку пустым взглядом, обхватив себя руками за колени. По крайней мере, это именно то, что хочется сделать, когда начинаешь понимать, что всё это значит Потому что реально, такого ангстища, как в "Marble Hornets", я не видела вообще нигде и никогда. Даже близко. При более чем значительном багаже прочитанного/просмотренного.
ИЧСХ, вместе со складыванием паззла раскрываются всё новые и новые слои БОЛИ. Только думаешь, что это уже всё, ДНО, как выясняется ещё что-нибудь, типа внутренних конфликтов в Тузеарке, и насколько это всё было аццкой жестью. :<
И что самое обидное (обидное за Худи, например), - 99,999% посмотревших даже не знают, в каких местах надо переживать. Потому что для того, чтобы начинать понимать хоть что-то, нужны трёхмесячные интенсивные раскопки минимум на две головы. =\ И всё равно складывается пока только едва треть цепочки событий.
Вот начну соображать - точно надо будет макси-фик с интерпретацией канона писать. Но для этого, наверное, ещё года пол расшифровывать придётся.

10.03.2015 в 02:13
Пишет faulpelz:totheark - часть 1
Итак, это она - сборная простыня, впитавшая в себяпочти все, что мы с Zweelee знаем о видео тузеарка из ютуба, твиттера, википедии, анфикшена и других источников.) Если кто-то еще не понял, зачем нужно смотреть МХ - самое время ощутить священный трепет и заняться этим.)
Осторожно, спойлеры!
Ответ на Entry #34, где спойлерДжей приходит в заброшенный дом по адресу, указанному на присланной кассете, но ничего не находит.
Дата: 10 февраля 2011
Подпись под видео: hello again
Тэги: "always" "see" "you"
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00-00:04] High pitched noise
[00:04-00:08] Shaky torn up picture of Alex. Another tone is heard Significantly lower than the first.
[00:08-00:10] Blurred writing "you are broken." Also a noise similar to a guitar with distortion on it slowly gets louder and more distorted.
[00:10-00:13] Picture of Alex even more torn up than before and slightly more shaky. Tone comes back, higher than when the first picture of Alex is shown.
[00:13-00:14] Blurred writing again "you cannot be fixed." Guitar sound gets more distorted and louder than the first blurred writing scene.
[00:14-00:18] Picture of Alex completely torn with black paper over the eyes and video starting to distort with black frames coming in.
Guitar sound gets louder and more distorted. Even higher pitched tone comes into compared to the previous torn photo. Both tones get louder until the video stops.
порванная фотография Алекса
you are broken
you cannot be fixed
There are black frames that flash every now and then. Upon further inspection, they are all uniform in length, either one or two frames long. Turns out it is Morse Code.
•The first section says, "must"
•The second says, "die"
•The third and final section is incoherent, or just not Morse. "ei" is all I get before a series of dots at unusual intervals. ~Niphanos

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Ответ на Entry #35, где спойлерАлекс ломает ногу Маски.
Дата: 26 февраля 2011
Подпись под видео: are you drowning
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
An exact transcript is probably impossible, due to the fact that everything about this clip is very open to interpretation.
The visuals are a wavy and fluid, as if they were shot underwater. It seems to be a black and white video, with reddish blurring at the edges of the black and bluish blurring at the edges of the white. The angle of the image suggests that the point of view is from the ground plane, looking upwards at the sky. Some trees can be possibly be seen in the periphery, as can a possible figure standing on the right side. A second figure may be visible standing at the top of the image, but this is difficult to say with a degree of certainty.
The sound is a garbled mess, but it seems to be the voice of a person speaking through heavy distortion. It does not appear to be played backwards, as reversing the audio produces no results. The words are difficult to discern, but the best translations are available in the Speculation section below.
Имеем: звук, который при декодировании даёт Enjoying watching your suffer. Do you know me? I will always know you.
Стилистику называют похожей на Signals.
Вероятное авторство: Скулли? О_о
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Ответ на Entry #36, где спойлерcorrupted footage с кассеты, где было записано, как Алекс сломал ногу Маски.
Дата: 15 марта 2011
Подпись под видео: # 000-0000
текстовый пересказ видео
Black screen with dial tone, a screeching distortion overlapping at 00:03
Part of a phone number pad is shown, focused on 7 (PQRS) 8 (TUV) * and 0 (OPER)
Cuts to quick image of a hand-written sign, "Ring" spelled backwards. Three beeps are heard
An image of possibly a piece of furniture is seen in the background with shadows moving across it. A disconnect tone can be heard along with a voicemail message:
"Hello, you've reached the voicemail of Alex Kralie, I'm not answering the phone right now. Please leave your name and a number, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
The footage starts to jump and distort with images of a silhouetted figure of The Operator is seen over top of the background footage.
Numbers can be seen quickly flashing in the back ground: 12, 9, 5, and 19
A black screen is shown until the end of the video, along with the disconnect tone still playing
Имеем: автоответчик Алекса
телефонные кнопки крупным планом: 7 (PQRS) 8 (TUV) * and 0 (OPER)
написанное от руки зеркально Ring
12, 9, 5, 19 - LIES (врет, что перезвонит)

enttry #37
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После Sidetone, который после Entry #36, где спойлер Джей возмущается поведением Алекса, сломавшего ногу Тиму, а тот говорит ему "цыц, тихо будь"
Дата: 23 марта 2011
Подпись под видео: memories
Тэги: "marble", "hornets"
текстовый пересказ видео
The video begins as a blue screen like one would see before pressing play on a VHS tape in a VCR. Audio distortion is heavy. When it begins the date is April 4th 1991 at 4:41 PM. This is 19 years before the events on the tape Jay gets in Entry 26 to the very day. Several; children gathered around a young lady are seen. One is opening presents. Strange beeps and audio distortion are present, static at the bottom of the screen. The operator symbol flashes briefly on the faces of one of the kids, a boy.
This happens at 00:28 in the video. The video then cuts to a dark inside room, where a woman (presumably the mother) is bringing a cake to the child who had the operator symbol flash on their face. We then find out that the birthday boy is Alex when the woman addresses him by name. The audio distortion on the man's voice is even more pronounced, making him sound much deeper and almost demonic. When Alex blows out the candles, the video becomes extremely distorted and the image of the operator appears superimposed over Alex. The dates and times in the top right hand corner of the video started changing wildly, even showing impossible combinations like 9:99 AM. After a couple of seconds of this, the distortion disappears, and the screen is black except for the time/date and the audio (due to the fact that the birthday candles were blown out, leaving no remaining light in the room.) The video then returns to the blue screen, with the word stop at the top right corner.
подробный скрипт[0:00] Blue screen
[0:01] VHS-style "PLAY" shows up in right-top corner
[0:03] Black screen, tracking static appears at bottom of screen and persists through the rest of the video
[0:05] Date/Time stamp reads "APR 4 1991, 4:41 PM" A young Alex Kralie opens presents while his mother and several children huddle around him. Audio is removed and replaced with tone that changes pitch, persists until 0:27
[0:12-0:13] Video skips frames, visual tear
[0:23] Alex's mother looks off-screen and waves away someone
[0:24] An Operator symbol appears over Alex's face for a split second
[0:27] Black screen
[0:28] Video returns, Date/Time stamp reads "APR 4 1991, 6:03 PM" Alex's mother walks into a room holding a birthday cake. Voices sing Happy Birthday, one voice noticeably lower in pitch than the others.
[0:36] Alex's mother places cake in front of Alex, now in different attire.
[0:43] Camera tilts down to focus on Alex
[0:51] Alex blows out candles, screen goes dark
[0:52-0:53] Silhouette of The Operator appears over top of Alex and severe color distortion occurs. Date/Time stamps change several times to the following:
"JUN 3 1900, 8:23 PM"
"JULY 10 1999, 6:03 AM"
"AUG 30 1891, 1:00 PM"
"MAY 17 1988, 9:00 AM"
"SEP 4 1991, 10:48 AM"
"JAN 1 1992, 12:00 AM"
"FEB 29 1996, 4:44 AM"
"DEC 31 1999, 11:58 PM"
"MAR 3 1981, 9:42 AM"
"NOV 12 1993, 12:34 AM"
"JUN 6 1944, 9:99 AM"
"APR 4 1991, 6:03 PM."
Audio is high-pitched tone that persists until 0:56
[0:54] Audio: Children and deep-toned voice cheer
[0:55] Audio, Alex: "All at once!" (Disputable)
[0:58] Audio, Alex's mother: "All at once. Very nice, Alex."
[1:00] Blue screen, VHS-style "STOP" shows up in right-top corner. Audio cuts out entirely.
[1:03] "STOP" disappears
Имеем: криповый, равно как и сомнительный список всякой жести, которая произошла в даты, которые менялись на видео:
списокJUN 3 1900
Mary Kingsley dies of typhoid fever at the age of 37
An outbreak of the bubonic plague in Sydney Australia leaves two dead.
A cholera outbreak in India kills five thousand in less than four days, the dead lie unburied in the streets for days.
Please search for more hints like this
JUL 10, 1999
The Obafemi Awolowo University massacre resulted in the deaths of eight people and injuring of 11, all of them students at OAU.
AUG 30 1891
Glenni William Scofield, Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, dies.
MAY 17, 1988
Joseph Lee Saldana died of a single gunshot wound to the head minutes after the accident occurred at his father's apartment about 4 p.m. Sunday, Anaheim Police Lt. Peter De Paola said.
SEP 4, 1991
Five months to the day after this video was taken.While little in the way of large tragedies can be found for this event, the following deaths did happen: - Charlie Barnet dies of pneumonia at 77, Dottie West dies at 58 in a car, Margaret Ramsay dies (cause Unknown), Thomas Tryon dies at 65.
JAN 1, 1992
An eighteen year old Canadian girl goes missing while in Halifax, Nova Scotia looking for work. She was later discovered to have been killed in a homicide. (She was reported missing the next day, and her skeleton was found on December 22nd that year, but it is assumed she was murdered on January 1st.)
FEB 29, 1996
Surprisingly, this is a leap year, meaning it is one of the few years in recent times that has the 29th day in February whatsoever.
At first, I thought that was interesting in and of itself, but then I found this:
"Faucett Flight 251 crashes in the Andes, all 123 passengers and crew died."
FEBRUARY 29, 1988
A 5-year-old boy was killed when a television set fell off a stand onto his head, police said Sunday. Dennis Yau died of a massive skull fracture from the impact of the television, which had a 27-inch screen, in the Chinatown neighborhood Saturday, a police spokeswoman said.
DEC 31 1999
Obvious one here, Y2K.
Five hijackers, who had been holding 155 hostages on an Indian Airlines plane, leave the plane with two Islamic clerics that they had demanded be freed.
MAR 3 1981
Mehmet Ali Ağca given the instruction to kill Pope John Paul II.
NOV 12, 1993
H. R. Haldeman, American White House Chief of Staff, dies. This would not be notable if it weren't for the fact that he was a key part in the Watergate scandals, an "unexplained 18 and a half minute gap in Nixon's Oval Office recordings". This occurred during a discussion including President Nixon and Haldeman.
JUN 6, 1944
It's odd that this is the only date with an irregular time. All of the rest of them could be plausible - the time for JUN 6 1994 is 9:99AM.
Irregular time withstanding, as most of us know, this is the date of the Normandy landings: D-Day.
APRIL 4, 1991
Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania and six others are killed when a helicopter collides with their plane over an elementary school in Merion, Pennsylvania.
This is also the date and time of the birthday video - it appears that the dates flicker back to the original one by this point.
Алсо, выясняем, что 4 апреля 1991 г. Алексу было шесть лет (по числу свечей в торте).
Вероятное авторство: Скулли
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Ответ на Entry #39, в котором спойлерДжей, не дождавшись Алекса, с которым они договорились встретиться у Россвуда, ложится спать в машине, и за её задним окном проходит некто
Дата: 21 апреля 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: c2VlIHlvdSBzYXcgeW91 (seeyousawyou) - по base64 расшифровывается
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00-00:10] Footage of a dog lung being inflated and deflated from Experiments in the revival of organisms part 1. The numbers 2 26 18 2 32 36 30 32 16 10 40 show up in the top left hand of the screen. A very distorted Beethoven's 5th is heard.
[00:10-00:11] Distorted writing and a face with eyes drawn operator symbols comes on screen. Beethoven's 5th is still playing.
[00:11-00:16] The words "here is something i have wanted to show you" fade on screen. One set of those words distorts to the top left of the screen. Still with Beethoven's 5th.
[00:16-00:20] Black screen, still with Beethoven's 5th
[00:20-00:31] Footage taken from outside Jay's car of him sleeping inside it. Beethoven's 5th is still playing.
[00:31-00:41] Black screen with Beethoven's 5th coming to a stop.
Имеем: советский эксперимент по оживлению организмов, 2 26 18 2 32 36 30 32 16 10 40 = AMIAPROPHET, the 4th movement from Beethoven's 5th symphony, reversed & slowed down.
Вероятное авторство: НЕ Скулли. По стилю похоже на Худи, по виду чувака с прошлого Энтри - не очень. О_о
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Ответ на Entry #40, где спойлерДжей, не дождавшись Алекса, забредает в Россвуд, где встречается с Оператором, бросает камеру и убегает
Дата: 16 мая 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: YmV oaW5kIHRo ZSBjd XJ0YWlu (behind the curtain по base64)
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Black screen. Strange distorted audio begins.
[00:03] A strange drawing appears that seem to show tentacles, or maybe just other plants behind a log in a forest. Strange music begins to play.
[00:05] The video seems to zoom in on the drawing very quickly for a split second. Cut to a black screen.
[00:06] White text appears:
[00:09] The same drawing is shown but more zoomed out and from an angle more trees can be seen on the right side of the drawing.
[00:11] The drawing rotates, showing us more of the right side of the drawing. An Operator symbol can be seen on one tree.
[00:14] The same zooming in effect occurs followed by a black screen. White text reads:
[00:17] The same are of the drawing is shown but now another tree, drawn on another piece of paper has been placed in between two of the trees. A strange figure is sitting at the base of the tree. More intense distortion plays at this point while the music is still playing.
[00:19] The person is shown up close.
[00:20-00:28] Video begins to play that seems to have been filmed in a forest. The camera points in different directions and different trees and plants are seen. The footage is in black and white as well as being distorted.
[00:28-00:31] Cut to black screen. Four digit numbers appear in the middle of the screen. Each number overlaps with the previously shown number and then disappears two numbers later. The numbers, in order, are: 1122, 3125, 1920, 85185
[00:31] A white, pixelated Operator Symbol appears.
Имеем: почеркушки Худи :3
1/12/23/1/25/19 20/8/5/18/5 - always there
Вероятное авторство: Худи :3
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После Entry #41, где спойлерХуди возвращает камеру, зафтыкивая на кроны деревьев, небо и ручеёк с ТТА на дне
Дата: 2 июня 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: blind
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Video begins with blurry, flickering, black and white footage of a baby doll lying face down on some carpet.
[00:04] White text appears on a black background: MESSAGES EVERYWHERE
[00:05] Stop motion footage of the doll crawling towards the camera and then away.
[00:09] White text appears on a black background: SIGNS EVERYWHERE
[00:11] A close up of the dolls face which is burned, has no eyes, and has a 0 key from a phone in one of its eye sockets. The camera shakes and looks it at it from a few slightly different angles.
[00:15] The doll rolls slightly to the right as if it is being picked up.
[00:16] White text appears on a black background: YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE
[00:17] The doll is seen looking at the camera between the boards of a fence.
[00:19] White text appears on a black background. Several rows of number flash up in three rows at a time.
[00:24] Another flash of the doll's face.
[00:25] Black Screen.
[00:26] Video ends.
00010010 (backwards) = H
10100110 (backwards) = e
00110110 (backwards) = l
10010110 (backwards) = i
01100101 (forwards) = e
11001110 (backwards) = s
Вероятное авторство: ?
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После Entry #42, в котором спойлерАлекс выходит из машины и имеет разговор с перепуганным Джеем, который выбегает из леса и садится под дерево; кстати говоря, когда Алекс выходит из машины, под другим деревом уже сидит Худи. Следовательно, он вышел из Россвуда заметно раньше, чем бегущий сломя голову Джей
Дата: 20 июня 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: NT Qz MjE = (54321 по base64)
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black screen.
[0:02] Footage is black and white and poorly lit as if it was shot at night. Shot of what could be cracks in cement.
[0:03] Shot of a long, vertical line shaped object, could be one of the wood supports on either side of the bench.
[0:04] A large white object is shown, most likely a close-up of the bench shown later.
[0:04] A shot of a bench from the front.
[0:06] Black screen with white text:
[0:08] Shot of the bench from the side.
[0:10] Two white circles, possibly eyes, appear to the left of the bench in the darkness.
[0:11] Black screen with white text:
[0:13] Another word appears below the first two:
[0:14] Spinning view of what could be leaves close up.
[0:16] Shot of two boards meeting perpendicularly with an ornate s-shaped connector. A strange face is drawn on the right board that has spinning stars for eyes.
[0:17] An operator symbol appears over the face, words appear in the bottom left:
[0:20] A shot to the pole object from 0:03.
[0:21] Close up of the two white circles.
[0:23] Video ends.
Вероятное авторство: ?
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Ответ на Entry #43, где спойлерАлекс и Джей приходят к дому Джессики и Эми, где Алекс с Эми встретились с Оператором после того, как она нашла камеру; после того, как Алекс звонит Джессике, он идёт в Россвуд и почти целеустремлённо сталкивается с Оператором.
Дата: 7 июля 2011
Подпись под видео: maɪnəs sɛntrɔɪd
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00-0:02] Silence. No image.
[0:03-0:09] Video begins. The words "LOOK AT YOU" appear on screen and slowly come into focus, as if the vertical hold on a screen were being adjusted. Music and what sounds like a film tape begin to play.
[0:10-0:18] A white silhouette of a person's head and shoulders appears, and steadily gets larger.
[0:19-0:22] The silhouette fades, and the image of a human brain is left where the head was.
[0:23-0:28] An arrow appears, pointing to the PARIETAL LOBE of the brain, and the words "YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE" appear and focus. While the image of the brain is on screen, lines briefly appear and disappear at the top and bottom of the screen.
[0:29-0:31] Two white, vaguely head-shaped blotches appear on a black background. The one on the right has a shape extending from the bottom that looks vaguely like the V-neck of a business suit. Both images begin to have what look like drips coming down from them, as if they were wet paint.
[0:32-0:35] [IMAGE 1], which may be a face, appears.
[0:36-0:40] The words YOU ARE YOU appear over [IMAGE 1], in the lower left-hand corner.
[0:41-0:43] The OPERATOR SYMBOL appears in the upper right-hand corner of [IMAGE 1].
[0:43-0:44] Black.
[0:45-0:48] Audio distortion occurs and remains until 0:53. [IMAGE 2], a distorted face, appears, as do the words "BUT WHO ARE YOU" in the lower left-hand corner.
[0:48-0:50] [IMAGE 3], another face, appears, with the words "WHO ARE YOU" in the upper left-hand corner.
[0:51-0:53] [IMAGE 4], yet another face, appears, with the words "WHO ARE YOU" slightly offset to the right of the center.
[0:54-0:58] The audio cuts out and only a faint noise can be heard. This noise corresponds to the words "DO I HELP"/"OR DO I KILL" found in the spectrogram of the video. The video is filled with rows of zeroes, and an image can be seen moving behind them. The image could be of or include a wheelchair.
[0:59-1:01] Audio cuts out and image is black. There is no hidden final frame.
the parietal lobe of the brain, which governs "sensory input, language, mathematics and spatial relations"

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После Entry #46, в котором спойлерДжей в первый раз лезет в дом к Алексу, обнаруживает кассету, Алекса с мусорным ведром и Оператора, а ещё знакомится с внутренностями ещё одного шкафа
Дата: 15 августа 2011 г.
Подпись: [][]
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] A series of zeroes scroll across the screen. The word “I know you’re there” are written behind the zeroes in red letters.
[0:04] A picture of the Hooded Man sitting is on the right side of the screen. There are two glowing dots over his eyes. The numbers “19 14 9 23 20 5 8 20 21 54 57 54 36 33 24 54 96 96 42 30 6 42 51 21 72 21” flash on the left side of the screen one at a time. Loud, scratchy music plays during this part.
[0:14] A orange tinted close up of an eye. The words “I saw it” are written in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The picture disappears and the words flash a few times before the screen goes to black.
19-14-9-23-20-5-8-20 > SNIWTEHT (THE TWINS)
21-54-36-33-24-54-96 > WONKUOYDO (DO YOU KNOW)
96-42-30-6-42-51-21-72-21 > DIDEHTAHW (WHAT HE DID)
Вероятное авторство: ?
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После Entry #48, где спойлерДжей следит за Алексом и доходит до тоннеля, где созерцает его спину; а Алекс потом Джея шугает взглядом
Дата: 1 сентября 2011 г.
Подпись: remainseated
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Black Screen
[00:01-00:13] The words, BE SILENT, appear near the middle middle left corner of the screen, as very loud and distorted music begins. The far right corner is dominated by a sparkling/glittering area, and may be a television with no signal.
[00:13] Directly below the words BE SILENT, a strange white shape begins to appear, before cutting to a human shaped outline in a mass of static.
[00:14] Alex's face is briefly seen through the 'cut' in the static, and jumps in and out, a deep sound distortion takes effect, could be distorted speech. (Possibly Alex's promise to burn the tapes?)
[00:15] Alex appears to be thrown out of the camera angle, and the shape tilts, ending on a slanted angle.
[00:15-00:19] Shape stays tilted, with black filling the inside, and what appears to be highly distorted screams and yelling continues.
[00:20-00:25] Black screen, white text; "THIS IS THE BEST PART" Text appears so that a sort of arch is formed.
[00:27] Youtube skips 00:26 and video ends.
Alex's line, "You've done nothing but make everything worse" is heard. "You've done nothing" repeats at the end
Вероятное авторство: Худи
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После Entry #49, где спойлерАлекс убивает чувака в белой футболке, а Оператор забирает тело; алсо Алекс договаривается с Джеем о встрече
Дата: 27 сентября 2011 года
Подпись: never
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] No video, but there is a humming noise.
[0:04] Video starts on a dark street. Tim in his mask is limping towards the camera. A shot of Tim from Entry #20 is superimposed over the shot of him walking.
[0:18] Tim stops walking just before a shot of the tunnel from Entry #49 flashes on the screen.
[0:21] The word “How” appears in the middle of the tunnel, followed by the words “How much” A brief shot of Tim appears before the screen goes black.
[0:24] The words “How much do you hate” are written down the right side of the screen. A pixelated close up of Tim starts at 0:25.
[0:28] The words “It is not enough” are written next to a more extreme close up of Tim’s face in the mask.
Вероятное авторство: Эээ... Скулли?О_о
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После Entry #53, где спойлерДжей выясняет в антикварном магазине, что Тим ходит в психлечебницу, ждёт его на крылечке, дожидается, а потом договаривается о встрече и передаче кассет, а ещё после серии твитов, в которых Джей следил за антикварным магазином, а потом ещё и полез в него
Дата: 15 марта 2012 года
Подпись: iknowyou
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Bright close up shot of tree branches.
[0:08] Shot of a field surrounded by trees. White text over the shot: “Do you remember me?” A distorted image of a face flashes briefly at 0:10.
[0:13] Shot of Jay looking into the windows of the antique store taken from across the street.
[0:22] White text on screen: “I have not forgotten.”
[0:26] Screen goes black.
Вероятное авторство: Худи
Оригинальный пост Zweelee здесь.
URL записиИтак, это она - сборная простыня, впитавшая в себя
Осторожно, спойлеры!
Ответ на Entry #34, где спойлерДжей приходит в заброшенный дом по адресу, указанному на присланной кассете, но ничего не находит.
Дата: 10 февраля 2011
Подпись под видео: hello again
Тэги: "always" "see" "you"
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00-00:04] High pitched noise
[00:04-00:08] Shaky torn up picture of Alex. Another tone is heard Significantly lower than the first.
[00:08-00:10] Blurred writing "you are broken." Also a noise similar to a guitar with distortion on it slowly gets louder and more distorted.
[00:10-00:13] Picture of Alex even more torn up than before and slightly more shaky. Tone comes back, higher than when the first picture of Alex is shown.
[00:13-00:14] Blurred writing again "you cannot be fixed." Guitar sound gets more distorted and louder than the first blurred writing scene.
[00:14-00:18] Picture of Alex completely torn with black paper over the eyes and video starting to distort with black frames coming in.
Guitar sound gets louder and more distorted. Even higher pitched tone comes into compared to the previous torn photo. Both tones get louder until the video stops.
порванная фотография Алекса
you are broken
you cannot be fixed
There are black frames that flash every now and then. Upon further inspection, they are all uniform in length, either one or two frames long. Turns out it is Morse Code.
•The first section says, "must"
•The second says, "die"
•The third and final section is incoherent, or just not Morse. "ei" is all I get before a series of dots at unusual intervals. ~Niphanos

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Ответ на Entry #35, где спойлерАлекс ломает ногу Маски.
Дата: 26 февраля 2011
Подпись под видео: are you drowning
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
An exact transcript is probably impossible, due to the fact that everything about this clip is very open to interpretation.
The visuals are a wavy and fluid, as if they were shot underwater. It seems to be a black and white video, with reddish blurring at the edges of the black and bluish blurring at the edges of the white. The angle of the image suggests that the point of view is from the ground plane, looking upwards at the sky. Some trees can be possibly be seen in the periphery, as can a possible figure standing on the right side. A second figure may be visible standing at the top of the image, but this is difficult to say with a degree of certainty.
The sound is a garbled mess, but it seems to be the voice of a person speaking through heavy distortion. It does not appear to be played backwards, as reversing the audio produces no results. The words are difficult to discern, but the best translations are available in the Speculation section below.
Имеем: звук, который при декодировании даёт Enjoying watching your suffer. Do you know me? I will always know you.
Стилистику называют похожей на Signals.
Вероятное авторство: Скулли? О_о
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Ответ на Entry #36, где спойлерcorrupted footage с кассеты, где было записано, как Алекс сломал ногу Маски.
Дата: 15 марта 2011
Подпись под видео: # 000-0000
текстовый пересказ видео
Black screen with dial tone, a screeching distortion overlapping at 00:03
Part of a phone number pad is shown, focused on 7 (PQRS) 8 (TUV) * and 0 (OPER)
Cuts to quick image of a hand-written sign, "Ring" spelled backwards. Three beeps are heard
An image of possibly a piece of furniture is seen in the background with shadows moving across it. A disconnect tone can be heard along with a voicemail message:
"Hello, you've reached the voicemail of Alex Kralie, I'm not answering the phone right now. Please leave your name and a number, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
The footage starts to jump and distort with images of a silhouetted figure of The Operator is seen over top of the background footage.
Numbers can be seen quickly flashing in the back ground: 12, 9, 5, and 19
A black screen is shown until the end of the video, along with the disconnect tone still playing
Имеем: автоответчик Алекса
телефонные кнопки крупным планом: 7 (PQRS) 8 (TUV) * and 0 (OPER)
написанное от руки зеркально Ring
12, 9, 5, 19 - LIES (врет, что перезвонит)

enttry #37
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После Sidetone, который после Entry #36, где спойлер Джей возмущается поведением Алекса, сломавшего ногу Тиму, а тот говорит ему "цыц, тихо будь"
Дата: 23 марта 2011
Подпись под видео: memories
Тэги: "marble", "hornets"
текстовый пересказ видео
The video begins as a blue screen like one would see before pressing play on a VHS tape in a VCR. Audio distortion is heavy. When it begins the date is April 4th 1991 at 4:41 PM. This is 19 years before the events on the tape Jay gets in Entry 26 to the very day. Several; children gathered around a young lady are seen. One is opening presents. Strange beeps and audio distortion are present, static at the bottom of the screen. The operator symbol flashes briefly on the faces of one of the kids, a boy.
This happens at 00:28 in the video. The video then cuts to a dark inside room, where a woman (presumably the mother) is bringing a cake to the child who had the operator symbol flash on their face. We then find out that the birthday boy is Alex when the woman addresses him by name. The audio distortion on the man's voice is even more pronounced, making him sound much deeper and almost demonic. When Alex blows out the candles, the video becomes extremely distorted and the image of the operator appears superimposed over Alex. The dates and times in the top right hand corner of the video started changing wildly, even showing impossible combinations like 9:99 AM. After a couple of seconds of this, the distortion disappears, and the screen is black except for the time/date and the audio (due to the fact that the birthday candles were blown out, leaving no remaining light in the room.) The video then returns to the blue screen, with the word stop at the top right corner.
подробный скрипт[0:00] Blue screen
[0:01] VHS-style "PLAY" shows up in right-top corner
[0:03] Black screen, tracking static appears at bottom of screen and persists through the rest of the video
[0:05] Date/Time stamp reads "APR 4 1991, 4:41 PM" A young Alex Kralie opens presents while his mother and several children huddle around him. Audio is removed and replaced with tone that changes pitch, persists until 0:27
[0:12-0:13] Video skips frames, visual tear
[0:23] Alex's mother looks off-screen and waves away someone
[0:24] An Operator symbol appears over Alex's face for a split second
[0:27] Black screen
[0:28] Video returns, Date/Time stamp reads "APR 4 1991, 6:03 PM" Alex's mother walks into a room holding a birthday cake. Voices sing Happy Birthday, one voice noticeably lower in pitch than the others.
[0:36] Alex's mother places cake in front of Alex, now in different attire.
[0:43] Camera tilts down to focus on Alex
[0:51] Alex blows out candles, screen goes dark
[0:52-0:53] Silhouette of The Operator appears over top of Alex and severe color distortion occurs. Date/Time stamps change several times to the following:
"JUN 3 1900, 8:23 PM"
"JULY 10 1999, 6:03 AM"
"AUG 30 1891, 1:00 PM"
"MAY 17 1988, 9:00 AM"
"SEP 4 1991, 10:48 AM"
"JAN 1 1992, 12:00 AM"
"FEB 29 1996, 4:44 AM"
"DEC 31 1999, 11:58 PM"
"MAR 3 1981, 9:42 AM"
"NOV 12 1993, 12:34 AM"
"JUN 6 1944, 9:99 AM"
"APR 4 1991, 6:03 PM."
Audio is high-pitched tone that persists until 0:56
[0:54] Audio: Children and deep-toned voice cheer
[0:55] Audio, Alex: "All at once!" (Disputable)
[0:58] Audio, Alex's mother: "All at once. Very nice, Alex."
[1:00] Blue screen, VHS-style "STOP" shows up in right-top corner. Audio cuts out entirely.
[1:03] "STOP" disappears
Имеем: криповый, равно как и сомнительный список всякой жести, которая произошла в даты, которые менялись на видео:
списокJUN 3 1900
Mary Kingsley dies of typhoid fever at the age of 37
An outbreak of the bubonic plague in Sydney Australia leaves two dead.
A cholera outbreak in India kills five thousand in less than four days, the dead lie unburied in the streets for days.
Please search for more hints like this
JUL 10, 1999
The Obafemi Awolowo University massacre resulted in the deaths of eight people and injuring of 11, all of them students at OAU.
AUG 30 1891
Glenni William Scofield, Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, dies.
MAY 17, 1988
Joseph Lee Saldana died of a single gunshot wound to the head minutes after the accident occurred at his father's apartment about 4 p.m. Sunday, Anaheim Police Lt. Peter De Paola said.
SEP 4, 1991
Five months to the day after this video was taken.While little in the way of large tragedies can be found for this event, the following deaths did happen: - Charlie Barnet dies of pneumonia at 77, Dottie West dies at 58 in a car, Margaret Ramsay dies (cause Unknown), Thomas Tryon dies at 65.
JAN 1, 1992
An eighteen year old Canadian girl goes missing while in Halifax, Nova Scotia looking for work. She was later discovered to have been killed in a homicide. (She was reported missing the next day, and her skeleton was found on December 22nd that year, but it is assumed she was murdered on January 1st.)
FEB 29, 1996
Surprisingly, this is a leap year, meaning it is one of the few years in recent times that has the 29th day in February whatsoever.
At first, I thought that was interesting in and of itself, but then I found this:
"Faucett Flight 251 crashes in the Andes, all 123 passengers and crew died."
FEBRUARY 29, 1988
A 5-year-old boy was killed when a television set fell off a stand onto his head, police said Sunday. Dennis Yau died of a massive skull fracture from the impact of the television, which had a 27-inch screen, in the Chinatown neighborhood Saturday, a police spokeswoman said.
DEC 31 1999
Obvious one here, Y2K.
Five hijackers, who had been holding 155 hostages on an Indian Airlines plane, leave the plane with two Islamic clerics that they had demanded be freed.
MAR 3 1981
Mehmet Ali Ağca given the instruction to kill Pope John Paul II.
NOV 12, 1993
H. R. Haldeman, American White House Chief of Staff, dies. This would not be notable if it weren't for the fact that he was a key part in the Watergate scandals, an "unexplained 18 and a half minute gap in Nixon's Oval Office recordings". This occurred during a discussion including President Nixon and Haldeman.
JUN 6, 1944
It's odd that this is the only date with an irregular time. All of the rest of them could be plausible - the time for JUN 6 1994 is 9:99AM.
Irregular time withstanding, as most of us know, this is the date of the Normandy landings: D-Day.
APRIL 4, 1991
Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania and six others are killed when a helicopter collides with their plane over an elementary school in Merion, Pennsylvania.
This is also the date and time of the birthday video - it appears that the dates flicker back to the original one by this point.
Алсо, выясняем, что 4 апреля 1991 г. Алексу было шесть лет (по числу свечей в торте).
Вероятное авторство: Скулли
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Ответ на Entry #39, в котором спойлерДжей, не дождавшись Алекса, с которым они договорились встретиться у Россвуда, ложится спать в машине, и за её задним окном проходит некто
Дата: 21 апреля 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: c2VlIHlvdSBzYXcgeW91 (seeyousawyou) - по base64 расшифровывается
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00-00:10] Footage of a dog lung being inflated and deflated from Experiments in the revival of organisms part 1. The numbers 2 26 18 2 32 36 30 32 16 10 40 show up in the top left hand of the screen. A very distorted Beethoven's 5th is heard.
[00:10-00:11] Distorted writing and a face with eyes drawn operator symbols comes on screen. Beethoven's 5th is still playing.
[00:11-00:16] The words "here is something i have wanted to show you" fade on screen. One set of those words distorts to the top left of the screen. Still with Beethoven's 5th.
[00:16-00:20] Black screen, still with Beethoven's 5th
[00:20-00:31] Footage taken from outside Jay's car of him sleeping inside it. Beethoven's 5th is still playing.
[00:31-00:41] Black screen with Beethoven's 5th coming to a stop.
Имеем: советский эксперимент по оживлению организмов, 2 26 18 2 32 36 30 32 16 10 40 = AMIAPROPHET, the 4th movement from Beethoven's 5th symphony, reversed & slowed down.
Вероятное авторство: НЕ Скулли. По стилю похоже на Худи, по виду чувака с прошлого Энтри - не очень. О_о
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Ответ на Entry #40, где спойлерДжей, не дождавшись Алекса, забредает в Россвуд, где встречается с Оператором, бросает камеру и убегает
Дата: 16 мая 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: YmV oaW5kIHRo ZSBjd XJ0YWlu (behind the curtain по base64)
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Black screen. Strange distorted audio begins.
[00:03] A strange drawing appears that seem to show tentacles, or maybe just other plants behind a log in a forest. Strange music begins to play.
[00:05] The video seems to zoom in on the drawing very quickly for a split second. Cut to a black screen.
[00:06] White text appears:
[00:09] The same drawing is shown but more zoomed out and from an angle more trees can be seen on the right side of the drawing.
[00:11] The drawing rotates, showing us more of the right side of the drawing. An Operator symbol can be seen on one tree.
[00:14] The same zooming in effect occurs followed by a black screen. White text reads:
[00:17] The same are of the drawing is shown but now another tree, drawn on another piece of paper has been placed in between two of the trees. A strange figure is sitting at the base of the tree. More intense distortion plays at this point while the music is still playing.
[00:19] The person is shown up close.
[00:20-00:28] Video begins to play that seems to have been filmed in a forest. The camera points in different directions and different trees and plants are seen. The footage is in black and white as well as being distorted.
[00:28-00:31] Cut to black screen. Four digit numbers appear in the middle of the screen. Each number overlaps with the previously shown number and then disappears two numbers later. The numbers, in order, are: 1122, 3125, 1920, 85185
[00:31] A white, pixelated Operator Symbol appears.
Имеем: почеркушки Худи :3
1/12/23/1/25/19 20/8/5/18/5 - always there
Вероятное авторство: Худи :3
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После Entry #41, где спойлерХуди возвращает камеру, зафтыкивая на кроны деревьев, небо и ручеёк с ТТА на дне
Дата: 2 июня 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: blind
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Video begins with blurry, flickering, black and white footage of a baby doll lying face down on some carpet.
[00:04] White text appears on a black background: MESSAGES EVERYWHERE
[00:05] Stop motion footage of the doll crawling towards the camera and then away.
[00:09] White text appears on a black background: SIGNS EVERYWHERE
[00:11] A close up of the dolls face which is burned, has no eyes, and has a 0 key from a phone in one of its eye sockets. The camera shakes and looks it at it from a few slightly different angles.
[00:15] The doll rolls slightly to the right as if it is being picked up.
[00:16] White text appears on a black background: YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE
[00:17] The doll is seen looking at the camera between the boards of a fence.
[00:19] White text appears on a black background. Several rows of number flash up in three rows at a time.
[00:24] Another flash of the doll's face.
[00:25] Black Screen.
[00:26] Video ends.
00010010 (backwards) = H
10100110 (backwards) = e
00110110 (backwards) = l
10010110 (backwards) = i
01100101 (forwards) = e
11001110 (backwards) = s
Вероятное авторство: ?
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После Entry #42, в котором спойлерАлекс выходит из машины и имеет разговор с перепуганным Джеем, который выбегает из леса и садится под дерево; кстати говоря, когда Алекс выходит из машины, под другим деревом уже сидит Худи. Следовательно, он вышел из Россвуда заметно раньше, чем бегущий сломя голову Джей
Дата: 20 июня 2011 г.
Подпись под видео: NT Qz MjE = (54321 по base64)
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black screen.
[0:02] Footage is black and white and poorly lit as if it was shot at night. Shot of what could be cracks in cement.
[0:03] Shot of a long, vertical line shaped object, could be one of the wood supports on either side of the bench.
[0:04] A large white object is shown, most likely a close-up of the bench shown later.
[0:04] A shot of a bench from the front.
[0:06] Black screen with white text:
[0:08] Shot of the bench from the side.
[0:10] Two white circles, possibly eyes, appear to the left of the bench in the darkness.
[0:11] Black screen with white text:
[0:13] Another word appears below the first two:
[0:14] Spinning view of what could be leaves close up.
[0:16] Shot of two boards meeting perpendicularly with an ornate s-shaped connector. A strange face is drawn on the right board that has spinning stars for eyes.
[0:17] An operator symbol appears over the face, words appear in the bottom left:
[0:20] A shot to the pole object from 0:03.
[0:21] Close up of the two white circles.
[0:23] Video ends.
Вероятное авторство: ?
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Ответ на Entry #43, где спойлерАлекс и Джей приходят к дому Джессики и Эми, где Алекс с Эми встретились с Оператором после того, как она нашла камеру; после того, как Алекс звонит Джессике, он идёт в Россвуд и почти целеустремлённо сталкивается с Оператором.
Дата: 7 июля 2011
Подпись под видео: maɪnəs sɛntrɔɪd
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00-0:02] Silence. No image.
[0:03-0:09] Video begins. The words "LOOK AT YOU" appear on screen and slowly come into focus, as if the vertical hold on a screen were being adjusted. Music and what sounds like a film tape begin to play.
[0:10-0:18] A white silhouette of a person's head and shoulders appears, and steadily gets larger.
[0:19-0:22] The silhouette fades, and the image of a human brain is left where the head was.
[0:23-0:28] An arrow appears, pointing to the PARIETAL LOBE of the brain, and the words "YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE" appear and focus. While the image of the brain is on screen, lines briefly appear and disappear at the top and bottom of the screen.
[0:29-0:31] Two white, vaguely head-shaped blotches appear on a black background. The one on the right has a shape extending from the bottom that looks vaguely like the V-neck of a business suit. Both images begin to have what look like drips coming down from them, as if they were wet paint.
[0:32-0:35] [IMAGE 1], which may be a face, appears.
[0:36-0:40] The words YOU ARE YOU appear over [IMAGE 1], in the lower left-hand corner.
[0:41-0:43] The OPERATOR SYMBOL appears in the upper right-hand corner of [IMAGE 1].
[0:43-0:44] Black.
[0:45-0:48] Audio distortion occurs and remains until 0:53. [IMAGE 2], a distorted face, appears, as do the words "BUT WHO ARE YOU" in the lower left-hand corner.
[0:48-0:50] [IMAGE 3], another face, appears, with the words "WHO ARE YOU" in the upper left-hand corner.
[0:51-0:53] [IMAGE 4], yet another face, appears, with the words "WHO ARE YOU" slightly offset to the right of the center.
[0:54-0:58] The audio cuts out and only a faint noise can be heard. This noise corresponds to the words "DO I HELP"/"OR DO I KILL" found in the spectrogram of the video. The video is filled with rows of zeroes, and an image can be seen moving behind them. The image could be of or include a wheelchair.
[0:59-1:01] Audio cuts out and image is black. There is no hidden final frame.
the parietal lobe of the brain, which governs "sensory input, language, mathematics and spatial relations"

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После Entry #46, в котором спойлерДжей в первый раз лезет в дом к Алексу, обнаруживает кассету, Алекса с мусорным ведром и Оператора, а ещё знакомится с внутренностями ещё одного шкафа
Дата: 15 августа 2011 г.
Подпись: [][]
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] A series of zeroes scroll across the screen. The word “I know you’re there” are written behind the zeroes in red letters.
[0:04] A picture of the Hooded Man sitting is on the right side of the screen. There are two glowing dots over his eyes. The numbers “19 14 9 23 20 5 8 20 21 54 57 54 36 33 24 54 96 96 42 30 6 42 51 21 72 21” flash on the left side of the screen one at a time. Loud, scratchy music plays during this part.
[0:14] A orange tinted close up of an eye. The words “I saw it” are written in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The picture disappears and the words flash a few times before the screen goes to black.
19-14-9-23-20-5-8-20 > SNIWTEHT (THE TWINS)
21-54-36-33-24-54-96 > WONKUOYDO (DO YOU KNOW)
96-42-30-6-42-51-21-72-21 > DIDEHTAHW (WHAT HE DID)
Вероятное авторство: ?
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После Entry #48, где спойлерДжей следит за Алексом и доходит до тоннеля, где созерцает его спину; а Алекс потом Джея шугает взглядом
Дата: 1 сентября 2011 г.
Подпись: remainseated
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Black Screen
[00:01-00:13] The words, BE SILENT, appear near the middle middle left corner of the screen, as very loud and distorted music begins. The far right corner is dominated by a sparkling/glittering area, and may be a television with no signal.
[00:13] Directly below the words BE SILENT, a strange white shape begins to appear, before cutting to a human shaped outline in a mass of static.
[00:14] Alex's face is briefly seen through the 'cut' in the static, and jumps in and out, a deep sound distortion takes effect, could be distorted speech. (Possibly Alex's promise to burn the tapes?)
[00:15] Alex appears to be thrown out of the camera angle, and the shape tilts, ending on a slanted angle.
[00:15-00:19] Shape stays tilted, with black filling the inside, and what appears to be highly distorted screams and yelling continues.
[00:20-00:25] Black screen, white text; "THIS IS THE BEST PART" Text appears so that a sort of arch is formed.
[00:27] Youtube skips 00:26 and video ends.
Alex's line, "You've done nothing but make everything worse" is heard. "You've done nothing" repeats at the end
Вероятное авторство: Худи
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После Entry #49, где спойлерАлекс убивает чувака в белой футболке, а Оператор забирает тело; алсо Алекс договаривается с Джеем о встрече
Дата: 27 сентября 2011 года
Подпись: never
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] No video, but there is a humming noise.
[0:04] Video starts on a dark street. Tim in his mask is limping towards the camera. A shot of Tim from Entry #20 is superimposed over the shot of him walking.
[0:18] Tim stops walking just before a shot of the tunnel from Entry #49 flashes on the screen.
[0:21] The word “How” appears in the middle of the tunnel, followed by the words “How much” A brief shot of Tim appears before the screen goes black.
[0:24] The words “How much do you hate” are written down the right side of the screen. A pixelated close up of Tim starts at 0:25.
[0:28] The words “It is not enough” are written next to a more extreme close up of Tim’s face in the mask.
Вероятное авторство: Эээ... Скулли?О_о
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После Entry #53, где спойлерДжей выясняет в антикварном магазине, что Тим ходит в психлечебницу, ждёт его на крылечке, дожидается, а потом договаривается о встрече и передаче кассет, а ещё после серии твитов, в которых Джей следил за антикварным магазином, а потом ещё и полез в него
Дата: 15 марта 2012 года
Подпись: iknowyou
Тэги: нет
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Bright close up shot of tree branches.
[0:08] Shot of a field surrounded by trees. White text over the shot: “Do you remember me?” A distorted image of a face flashes briefly at 0:10.
[0:13] Shot of Jay looking into the windows of the antique store taken from across the street.
[0:22] White text on screen: “I have not forgotten.”
[0:26] Screen goes black.
Вероятное авторство: Худи
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