The act of observation changes the narrative
Behold! Часть вторая. :3
12.03.2015 в 00:34
Пишет faulpelz:totheark - часть 2
Ответ на Entry #54, в которой спойлерДжей забирает у Тима плёнки и показывает эпизод, где Брайан, Тим и Алекс собирались записывать музыку для трейлера. Оператор и укулеле.
Дата: 4 апреля 2012 года. День Рождения Алекса.
Подпись под видео: 011001010110111001100100011010000110100101101101
(докодируется как endhim)
Тэги: "marble", "hornets", and "ark".
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] A hum is heard, no video.
[0:05] A digital squeal plays over the hum. A clip from Entry #26 of Alex sitting on the couch is shown but is distorted.
[0:10] Shot switches to the Operator standing in the hallway from Entry #26.
[0:12] White text on screen: “You caused this”
[0:14] A distorted shot of Alex standing over the man he killed in Entry #49.
[0:20] White text on screen: “You will never be forgiven”
[0:24] Shot from Addition of Jay on the floor coughing.
[0:28] White text on screen: “He will lead me to you”
[0:30] Distorted shot from Entry #50 of Jay taking the knife out of his glove box.
[0:35] White text on screen: “Lead me to death”
[0:39] Bright yellow shot of the woods.
[0:43] White text on screen: “Lead me to the ark” The numbers 14, 15, 3, 8, 15, 9, 3, and 5 flash around the words.
[0:47] Completely white figure of a person with glowing red eyes. The words “Always watching” are around him.
[0:51] A shot of an eye with spots of random colors swirling around the screen. More digital squealing.
[0:55] Screen goes to black.
You caused this
You will never be forgiven
He will lead me to you (в кадре кашляющий Джей)
Lead me to death
Lead me to the ark
14, 15, 3, 8, 15, 9, 3, 5 (no choice)
Always watching и стремный белый чувак

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Ответ на Entry #57, где спойлерТим/Маски, очнувшийся после удара арматуриной по голове, прячется от Алекса в госпитале.
Дата: 14 мая 2012
i seeyou
as always
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black screen with occasional specks of white.
[0:03] Footage of a young boy with a video camera. He adjusts the light on the camera.
[0.07] White text on black "one day you will understand".
[0:11] Frame of white.
[0:11] Footage of children in a classroom watching a projected movie with the words "secrets everywhere"
[0:15] Footage of a paper theatre with the words "liars everywhere". There are three characters, one hanging upside down from a tree. The second character leaves the frame at 0:18.
[0:20] Another classroom of children with the text "look closely and you will know". The top half of the image is distorted.
[0:22] Out of focus footage of a lake and woods. There is a spider on the camera lens.
[0:25] Footage of a vehicle driving down a road in a residential area to a large building at the end of the road.
[0:29] Footage of a boy with a slide projector looking at an image, with the words "see you soon".
[0:33] Frames of a tall figure silhouetted in a doorway with the text "he's watching".
[0:34-0:37] Black screen with occasional specks of white.
one day you will understand
secrets everywhere
liars everywhere
look closely and you will know
see you soon
he's watching (человеческий силуэт в дверях)
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Ответ на Entry #59, где спойлерознакомившийся с каналом МХ на ютубе Тим наезжает на Джея >_<
Дата: 22 июня 2012
Подпись: do not fail
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black.
[0:01] Visual and audio noise. White text "LOOK TO THE ORIGINS".
[0:02] Tim's speech from Entry #59 plays, speeded up, with noticeable audio distortion. The background shows an underexposed image of a tunnel, possibly from Entry #58.
[0:17] A mask emerges slowly in the background.
[0:18] Black screen. White text "TRUTH".
[0:10] Black screen. White text "WITH".
[0:21] Black screen. White text "LIGHT".
[0:22] A series of numbers, video and audio distortion. The numbers are 1912, 85, 41, 89, 1420, 95, 1811, 199. The final number may be truncated.
1912, 85, 41, 89, 1420, 95, 1811, 199 (расшифровано: SL HE DA HI NT IE RK SI - HI SL IE SI NT HE DA RK (his lies in the dark))
Альтернативная расшифровка: He did beg
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Ответ на Entry #60 и Entry #60.5, где спойлерДжей добывает и изучает медицинские документы Тима.
Дата: 1 августа 2012
В твиттере Джея днем ранее появился скрин из этого видео с пометкой "x". Видео помечено "0". Путем нехитрых арифметических расчетов получаем символ Оператора.
Подпись: waitingon you
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black.
[0:01] A grainy, black-and-white image of what looks like a window appears. Noise is heard.
[0:04] Cut to a window outside of a bedroom. Tim walks in, looking ill and unhappy.
[0:08] Tim is shown sitting on his bed and puts his head in his hands.
[0:14] Through some of the distortion, an Operator Mark appears over Tim's head briefly.
[0:20] He grabs a pill bottle from the side dresser and briefly examines them before taking some.
[0:26] Tim sits on his bed and stares straight ahead before looking right towards the window.
[0:33] He gets up and it cuts to him standing at the window seen at the beginning of the video, his figure silhouetted and his back to the camera.
[0:38] For a very short moment, an image of the mask pops up and overlays on Tim’s face.
[0:39] Tim continues to stand at the window and look out of it.
[0:42] The video tears and cuts to black.
Имеем: кто-то (Худи) снимает Тима с улицы через окно. Когда Тим подходит к окну, на его лице на нескольких кадрах появляется маска.
entry, известное миру как Entry #61
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После Observation, которое после Entry #60 и #60.5 - спойлерХуди сливает Джею медицинскую информацию Тима и делает тонкие намеки на Маски.
Дата: 8 августа 2012
Подпись оригинального видео: this is for you to see
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:03-00:07] White text on black screen
About two hours ago, the following video:
was uploaded to my account:1
[00:21-25] A string of numbers and letters after “Entry #” flash. They are listed below, under “Transcript of "ENTRY" jumble.”
[00:25] Blue, green and white pixels appear for a moment.
[00:26] Lightning flashes, revealing an outdoor scene with houses and trees. The lightning flashes several more times, with darkness in between.
[00:43] A blur of white moves over the screen.
[00:44] Another blur of light appears near the top of the screen. It comes into focus. The light is in a house; the window also reveals a man on a phone.
[00:47] The cameraman begins to walk toward the window. The man inside is pacing. As the cameraman moves closer, blinds become visible, as do some of the shelves and a door inside the room.
[01:02] The cameraman stands to the left of the window. Tim’s sideburns become visible, revealing his identity. Tim continues to pace, with his hand on his face and then his hip.
[01:12] Tim puts his phone in his pocket, leans over to grab something, and leaves the room, shutting the door. His iconic tan jacket hangs on the doorknob.
[01:22] The cameraman begins to look down the window, as if figuring out how to open it.
[01:26] His hand reaches for the window. He wears a tan jacket and black gloves. He succeeds in opening it.
[01:39] He pushes the blinds aside and sets the camera on the carpeted floor.
[01:48] He steps in front of the camera. He wears dark shoes.
[01:53] He walks to the left. The camera focuses on the carpet and furniture in the room.
[01:56] He steps back into view, begins to walk toward the end of the room visible, then seems to remember the camera.
[02:00] He picks up the camera and points it into a closet with clothes hanging in it, and boxes on a upper shelf.
[02:08] He looks at the shelf, then parts some clothes and walks to the door.
[02:18] He looks at two frames leaning across from the door.
[02:22] He pulls the lid off a wooden box sitting on a nightstand on the left of the door.
[02:26] He pulls out an empty prescription bottle2
[02:29] He replaces the lid and walks to the opposite corner. A basket sits on top of a dresser. Some clothes are hanging out of the partially open drawers.
[02:36] He pulls out a partially full prescription pill bottle sticking out of the basket. He examines it. Inside are several large white pills.
[02:42] He places the bottle in his pants pocket.
[02:46] Cuts to the cameraman walking toward the closet.
[02:50] He places the camera on the shelf and rotates it so that it faces the room.
[02:54] The hood of his jacket is up, and he can be recognized as the hooded man.
[02:59] He begins to move away from the camera.
[03:02] A door opens off camera, and he looks to the right. Tim can be heard coughing. He ducks under. Tim’s coughing grows louder.
[03:14] Tim collapses onto his bed coughing.
[03:20] He begins to make his way to the dresser, using it and the bed as leverage. He reaches into the basket, looking through its contents.
[03:29] He begins to fall. The basket flies out.
[03:31] He slumps against the wall. He tries to get up but is unable to.
[03:37] His torso and limbs grow stiff. His head leans back and he moves about.
[03:53] A beeping sound goes off. A brownish figure appears against a black screen, as do white words, partially blocked at first:
The figure moves, and the sound shutters.
[03:55] Cuts back to Tim having a seizure. The video is slightly speeded up.
[04:01] Tim is sitting up, his head shaking very quickly. Black blotches cover much of the wall and his bed. Some sort of filter is causing parts of the video to be darker.
[04:02] Tim sobs with his face in his hands, his legs still seeming to be somewhat out of his control.
[04:07] Static begins and his sobs increase in intensity.
[04:11] Audio distortion begins. The filter returns, making even more of the video dark. Only the end of Tim’s bed appears normal. It begins to disappear, first from Tim, then his dresser and wall.
[04:12] The filter and audio distortion end. For a moment, there are two overlapped images of Tim; one of him sobbing and the other with his head leaned against the wall. It resolves the image of him with his head against the wall.
[04:14] He begins to pull one knee up.
[04:19] He sits up so that he isn’t leaning on the wall. He fails several times to get his feet firmly planted on the floor.
[04:37] Tim tries to use a handle from a dresser drawer to pull himself up but loses his grip.
[04:42] He tries again, with his other hand on his bed and slowly pushes himself up over the course of more than 20 seconds. Using his bed as leverage, he makes his way to the right, off camera. Doors can be heard opening and closing.
[05:36] The final door closes.
[05:38] The hooded man crawls out from the closet and stands. He looks toward the door as if to confirm that Tim is gone.
[05:44] He reaches for the camera.
[05:50] Cuts to the road at night. Street lights can be seen in the distance. He is walking toward them. Crickets can be heard.
[05:58-06:03] White text appears over footage.
[06:03] A distorted color correction test screen flashes.
[06:03-09] White text near the bottom of the page reads:
[06:09] A series of numbers flash by.
01 011 100113
[06:14-06:22] White text over the footage of the storm near the bottom
There was a storm earlier, so it’s likely
that this video was shot just a short
while ago.
[06:25-06:30] White text on black screen
I think I know where I can find Tim.
And I’m going there now.
и дальше ооочень много вариаций на тему фамилии Тима и непонятных букафENTRY #}IHWRGT00{10 <-mirrored
ENTRY #}IHWRGT00{10 <-distortion between # and }
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-distortion between # and R first frame, none second frame
ENTRY #1IHR{WGT0}00 <-mirrored
ENTRY #}IHWRGT00{10 <-vertical lines through entry, stopping at about }
ENTRY #1IH|HI1# YRTNE <-mirrored across the |
EN|||||||||||||||GT00{10 <-'|'s are verticle blocky lines
EN|||||||||||||||T{}T010G <-same
ENTRY #1IHR{WGT0}00 <-spun 180 degrees
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-Normal first frame, blurry the second
[] []RY #[]IHW[ ]GT00[][] <-'[]'s are blocks of differet colors
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-mirrored vertically
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-mirrored, superimposed with "I s e e you" not mirrored
I s e e y o u
ENTRY #R0IH0T{}T010G <-spun 180 degrees
EN[ ]IH[ ]T[]10G <-spun 180 degrees, '[]'s are dark splotches
EN[ ]IHWR[ ]{10 <-'[]'s are dark splotches
ENTRY #1IHR{WGT0}00 <-mirrored vertically
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-symmetric colorful static surrounding text
ENTRY #R0IH0T{}T010G <-symmetric colorful static surrounding text
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-symmetric colorful static surrounding text
thunderstorm with same symmetric colorful static
Худи тырит таблетки Тима
бинарный код: thetrees
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Ответ на Entry #62, где спойлерДжей отправляется в Россвуд искать Тима, что примечательно, находит - после чего ТТА тусит до утра в полном составе, а утром Джей и Тим просыпаются в заброшенном здании.
Дата: 15 сентября 2012
Подпись: alonealonealone т_______т
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] A vertically symmetrical image of trees and then a bit of distortion
[0:00] A shot from the woods of the red building where Jay woke up in Entry #62, from approximately where Tim woke up. White text reads "WHO IS HE". The camera seems to be handheld. There is background noise throughout.
[0:07] The text has a few frames of oddness (I think the text is mirrored) and then the text reads "WHO ARE YOU". This is a continuation of the same shot.
[0:09] Some subdued music begins to play from now until 0.43.
[0:11] There's a movement of the camera and then a cut to a new low angle on a tall tree, likely in the same forest. The colors are odd and the sun glares down at the camera, sometimes dazzling the camera. The camera seems to be handheld and the cameraperson, presumably Hoody/TTA, is walking slowly towards the camera.
[0:18] There is some distortion or other oddness and there's a new cut to a different tree.
[0:25] A new cut to the wall of the building. An eye is visible in a sort of knothole, but it seems to be superimposed on the image. The eyeball is looking wildly around. Text under the eye reads "WHERE IS HE".
[0:32] Momentarily the screen fills with the repeated word "WHERE WHERE WHERE" with a green background.
[0:32] The green is revealed as an out of focus image in the background. The words "MEET AGAIN SOON" appear stacked near the center of the image. The image focuses to show the hooded figure standing looking in the direction of the camera. The green is seen more clearly as tree leaves from the woods. The hooded figure raises his head from a downward gaze to look more directly at the camera. The shot is from inside the building and Hoody is standing in the doorway.
[0:44] For an instant there's a static noise and an image of The Operator is superimposed next to Hoody. The words "FOLLOWS ALL" appear at that time. Image: screenshot
[0:45-0:46] Screen goes to black and there is silence.
WHERE IS HE (глаз в стене)
WHERE WHERE WHERE заполняет весь экран
FOLLOWS ALL (кадр с Оператором)
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Ответ на Entry #64, где спойлерДжей с Тимом идут в Россвуд и встречают Оператора в тоннеле. Тима немного мотает по другим измерениям, после чего он уже в виде Маски оказывается на парковке и уезжает, не обращая на Джея никакого внимания.
Дата: 25 октября 2012
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Ocean with fish swimming around. Text in the corner reads:
[00:03] Two face flash on the screen. A street with a street lamp is out of focus. Text in the corner reads:
[00:11] A person is visibly out of focus walking towards camera. Text overlaps:
[00:15] Someone is running through what appears to be the forest of Rosswood Park. Panting can be heard. Text reads:
[00:18] The words ALEX and FOR YOU are barely visible for a second
[00:21] It cuts to the street again. The person is closer.
[00:26] For a split second a red screen appears with the pixelated Marble Hornets logo
[00:27] Camera cuts to what appears to be the tunnel flooded with water. It slowly fades
[00:34] Binary numbers are shown. Some letters are in the numbers. The letters spell out:
И скрин лица Джессики
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После Entry #65, где спойлерТима после встречи с Оператором в тоннеле варпало по пространственно-временному континууму, заносило в the Dark Realm и в итоге принесло в госпиталь в состоянии Маски, где его сперва глючило, а потом он отключился; алсо, это видео происходит после событий Entry #67, где Маски и Худи гопают Алекса. Кассета была найдена в Entry #66, где Тим рассказал об ужасах своего детства в четырёх стенах психбольницы.
Подпись под видео:
Расшифровывается как noeunitnoc (continue on)
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Low rumbling.
[00:03] Person standing a end of dimly lit hallway.
[00:04] Camera is moving away from person very quickly.
[00:04] Hand grabbing camera bleeds through hallway.
[00:05] Monotone invert of television in forest.
[00:06] Television in a forest.
[00:08] Color signal focus appears on TV
[00:12] TV is in the left side of frame. Hoody is behind bushes. The TV appears to be showing Entry 8.
[00:20] Hoody looks up.
[00:25] Two television show eyes.
[00:27] The word SEES flashes on the left screen twice.
[00:28] The word NOW flashes on the right screen once.
[00:31] Two image overlay, One is a person holding a TV over there head, Two is a person in a hoodie.
[00:33] A television balanced in a tree. Words appear on the screen:
[00:33] The TV shows Jay talking.
[00:35] The screen show Tim now.
[00:36] Now it shows Jay again.
[00:37] The television turns off. Hoody can be seen in the reflection.
[00:40] Stop motion of the TV screen breaking into itself
[00:41] These numbers appear on the screen:
[00:44] Question marks overlap the whole screen
[00:45] The question marks disappear and these numbers appear on the screen:
[00:48] Black screen
Имеем:Худи, судя по всему, ограбившего магазин электроники
82756813832779 (truly your fault)
797983577557 (shes out there)
И лицо Джессики
В твиттере Джея ТТА запостил: 9513390313793583953179 (I am watching)

Entry #68
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После Entry #67.5, где спойлерДжей и Тим, пресытившись компанией Алекса, уезжают из города с Россвудом.
Дата: 10 марта 2013
Подпись: 68 мигает пять раз
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black screen; at 0:03, white text appears: "Entry #68"
[0:11] White text on screen: “About an hour ago, the following video was uploaded by someone other than me:”
[0:23] The number 68 briefly flashes on screen a few times.
[0:28] Video begins with the Hooded Man walking first through an open field and then through the woods. He heads into a large abandoned building and into a side room with a mattress on the floor.
[1:27] The Hooded Man is sitting on the mattress with the camera on the ground nearby. He takes off his hood but his face is just out of the shot. He takes a drink from one of the water bottles nearby before standing up and walking back into the main room.
[2:11] He begins checking outside through the broken windows and doors. The sound of a branch breaking comes from outside and he moves toward the sound but nothing is there. He walks back inside the building.
[2:54] Just as the Hooded Man turns around to face the door, Alex rushes him, knocking him to the floor. The video tears at 2:55. Alex’s voice is distorted throughout the scene.
[2:58] Alex: Where did they go? Where are Jay and Tim? Wipe that stupid smile off your face.
[3:06] The Hooded Man pushes Alex off of him and runs out the door and into the woods.
[3:11] Alex: You can run all you want! I will find you!
[3:12] The Hooded Man continues running through the woods. The words “You will not” appear at the bottom of the screen at 3:17 as the video glitches. He stops running at 3:26 to put his hood back on then continues through the woods.
[3:52] A brief glimpse of Alex from earlier in the entry.
[3:53] A shot from inside of the maintenance tunnel of the hospital facing the entrance. The words “You are afraid” are over the center of the shot. The words change to “I am not” at 4:00. Someone is seen jumping down into the tunnel at 4:03.
[4:10] The Hooded Man is sitting in one of the tunnels facing the camera with a lantern next to him. The sound of footsteps begin to get closer. At 4:24, he reaches over and turns the lantern off.
[4:27] White text on screen: “You are trapped” Briefly changes to “We are trapped at 4:33.
[4:38] White text on screen: “Alex doesn’t know where Tim and I have gone, and I plan on keeping it that way for as long as possible.”
[4:48] Screen goes to black.
Имеем: Алекс обижает Худи ><
заставка: 68 мигает
I will find you! You will not
You are afraid
I am not
You are trapped
We are trapped
и приближающиеся шаги в maintenance tunnels
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После Entry #68, где спойлерАлекс ворвался в нычку Худи и решил кулаками выяснить, где Тим и Джей. =\ А ещё там I am not afraid.
Дата: 4 апреля 2013 года. День Рождения Алекса
Заметка: стиль какой-то нехудивский.
А ещё - Everything is fine.
Подпись под видео:
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] The beginning of a film reel plays for a few seconds.
[0:03] Brief shot of some hills overlooking a lake.
[0:04] White text over a shot from the inside of a moving car: “Everything is normal.” The text only shows on the dark parts of the shot.
[0:13] A shot of trees in the distance. There’s a partial face in the lower left corner. The eyes of the face flash white at 0:15 and then the face disappears. White text appears: “Everything is fine.”
[0:18] White text over a shot of an open field with houses in the distance: “I worry about nothing.” A shot of Alex tied to the chair from Entry #67 overlays the shot at 0:25.
[0:27] A few frames of a white figure standing in the Rosswood Park tunnel.
[0:28] Clip of the Hooded Man attacking Alex in the hospital from Entry #67. A face appears in the lower right corner at 0:29, just before the clip changes to Tim punches Alex from the same entry.
[0:30] Clip of the Hooded Man pointing the gun at Alex from Entry #67, then a few frames of the Hooded Man in the maintenance tunnel from Entry #68.
[0:31] White text over a shot of another open field: “Because nothing’s on my mind.”
[0:38] An Operator symbol on a wall, the numbers “83 57 03 95 27 27 35 13 72” are painted below it, followed by a quick shot of Alex with blood on his face from Entry #14.
[0:41] Electronic sounds over a shot from a car driving down a dark road. The white figure from Decay appears briefly on the right side of the screen.
[0:45] Video ends.
Everything is normal.
Everything is fine.
I worry about nothing
Because nothing’s on my mind.
83 57 03 95 27 27 35 13 72 (He will pay)

entry #73
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После Entry #72, где спойлерДжей с Тимом осматривают дом Алекса и встречают Оператора.
Дата: 10 июля 2013
Подпись: .73
текстовый пересказ видео[0:00] Black screen; at 0:02 Entry 73 appears in white text but is distorts. Footsteps in brush can be heard.
[0:11] A person walks through what appears to be Rosswood toward a run down building.
[0:37] The person checks two small rooms to see if anyone is hiding within. The rooms are empty except one has a old mattress with a blanket on it.
[0:52] The person seeming to be the Hooded Man because of the gloves, checks underneath the blanket and then goes out to the main open room again.
[1:00] The hooded man crosses the room to a window.
[1:10] He puts down his camera.
[1:18] He goes to the wall in frame and climbs the wall.
[1:26-1:40] He climbs back down the wall, and takes back his camera revealing that he was getting a gun and that it is The Hooded Man.
[1:42] He makes his way back out of the building and goes back through Rosswood.
[1:54] The camera cuts with distortion and the hooded man is now walking toward a red shack and broken down building.
[2:14-2:20] As he gets closer to the entrance the camera distorts.
[2:21] The hooded man searches the floor for something, as the camera continues to distort.
[2:29] The Hooded Man drops his camera, and appears to be coughing, but the sound is still distorting.
[2:32] The Hooded Man drops to the ground, and continues to cough, but can’t be heard through the distortion of audio.
[2:36] The Hooded man begins to pull of his mask
[2:39] The picture cuts and then returns again.
[2:40] The picture cuts out and back again.
[2:42] The picture distorts, causing most of the screen to be cast in shadow.
[2:46] The picture returns to normal, this whole time the hooded man has been still on all fours on the ground.
[2:48] The picture distorts again.
[2:52] The Hooded Man gets back up on his feet.
[2:54] The camera distorts again, this time just color changes momentarily.
[2:55] The Hooded Man pauses now back on his feet and walks back to the camera.
[3:03-3:28] He picks back up the camera and heads through a door inside and checks the inside wall.
[3:27] The Hooded Man checks the pill containers hiding within the wall for pills.
[3:35] He checks the first bottle and finds it empty and chucks it.
[3:38] He checks the second bottle and finds it to have exactly one pill.
[3:41-3:48] The Hooded Man readjusts his hold on the camera and places it on the ground.
[3:51] He holds the bottle directly in front of the camera, to make sure it can see him opening the bottle.
[3:54] He opens the bottle and takes the pill and then brings it to his mouth out of frame and swallows it.
[4:00] He drops the empty pill bottle and reaches for the camera again.
[4:10] He carefully picks himself up and the camera so his face doesn’t get caught on tape.
[4:15] He exists the building.
[4:27-4:38] The footage cuts and the Hooded Man is now walking down a old path surrounded by grass and trees.
[4:40-4:57] The footage cuts again and the Hooded Man is now walking across a busy bridge.
[4:59-5:10] The footage cuts and the hooded man walks down a sidewalk, in the down town area Jay found Tim at.
[5:11-5:16] The footage cuts again and the Hooded Man walks on a road at night, with the only light coming from street lights.
[5:17] He turns toward a house and starts walking toward it.
[5:20] He checks the road and behind himself to see if anyone is around or watching, and then turns back.
[5:28] He switches on night mode/vision on his camera and continues toward the house, which is Tim’s.
[5:49] The Hooded Man checks a front window to see if its locked, it isn’t.
[5:52] He opens the window as quietly as possible.
[6:00] He checks behind him again, and then climbs inside.
[6:10] He shuts the window.
[6:15] He searches around the room.
[6:20] He walks down a hallway toward a door.
[6:29] The Hooded Man enters a bathroom.
[6:35] He checks behind himself again, and then opens the right cabinet.
[6:40] He searches for extra pills.
[6:46] He finds a bottle with exactly one pill in it.
[6:51] He opens the left cabinet and searches inside.
[6:54] The top shelf was full of pill bottles, only one of which has pills in it.
[7:02] He takes the pill bottle and rechecks one of the bottles.
[7:14] He closes the cabinets.
[7:17] The Hooded man then heads back out of the bathroom.
[7:24] He hears a sound coming from behind him and he turns around.
[7:25] Not hearing it anymore, he leaves the hallway back towards the front door
[7:34] The Hooded Man goes to open the door, and then looks around behind him.
[7:51] He notices a box next to a covered piece of furniture and zooms in on it.
[7:55] He walks toward it, and sees that it’s two boxes the top of which has plastic bags in it.
[7:58] The Hooded Man turns it over and takes out the bags.
[8:06] Underneath the bag revealed to be a tape.
[8:10] As he holds it up to the camera for a moment the word “Liar” flashes next to the tape.
[8:12] A sound comes from within the house startling the Hooded Man.
[8:15] He listens and then puts the tape back in the box and heads back to the hallway.
[8:22-8:31] The Hooded Man slowly checks in the hallway, revealing someone coming down from the attic, a distortion sound can be heard.
[8:33] The Hooded Man runs to the front door, opens it then checking behind him, to see if the person was coming.
[8:35] A flashlight beams down the hallway, and The Hooded Man takes that as his cue to leave.
[8:46] he runs down the yard checks the road again. He turns around and the bush in front of him hides him from the window in front.
[8:48] He watches the window, as the light in the house turns on.
[8:55] Someone walks over and peaks out the window.
[8:57] They zoom in on the window to get a closer look at the person.
[9:08] The person walks away from the window, and the Hooded Man zooms out as the light in the house turns off.
[9:13-end] The Hooded Man runs back down the street and then the screen goes black for the last frames
06:19 - заставка Entry #73 меняется на EntTRY #73
07:01 - за Entry #73 можно различить return
Худи залезает в дом Тима за таблетками, находит таблетки, кассету и Алекса
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Ответ на Entry #74, где спойлерДжей приходит в адекватное состояние после прогулки в дом Алекса, Тим рассказывает ему последние новости и они решают вернуться в город в Россвудом.
Дата: 12 августа 2013
Подпись: {*
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Static Appears.
[00:03] Human shaped figure is seen briefly in the background.
[00:05] White text appears on screen: ENTRY #000.129519
[00:06] White face appears at bottom right side of the video. Much of the video is garbled. Disorted slowed music playing in the background.
[00:09] Footage of Tim from Entry 72 begins in the background, screen still garbled. Tim points to the house and begins to walk to it.
[00:11] White text appears on screen: WHO ARE THE LIARS
[00:17] Footage from Entry 74 of Jay sitting on a bed plays with distorted dialogue
[00:18] White text appears on screen: ARE YOU ONE OF THEM
[00:24] Small Opearator symbol appears in the background.
[00:25] Footage from Entry 74 plays in background, white text appears on screen: ARE YOU BOTH OF THEM
[00:30] Footage of the Hooded Man away plays in background.
[00:31] Footage of Alex from Entry 68White text on screen: REMEMBER TO LOOK BEHIND YOU
[00:36] White face appears getting distorted as the video goes on and sound gets louder and louder.
[00:44] Red text appears on screen: 1121265476 . 199276
[00:47] Red text appears on screen: 112 . 1265451400953
[00:50] Red text appears on screen: 15582 . 36181564095
ENTRY #000.129519
1121265476 . 199276
112 . 1265451400953
15582 . 36181564095
(расшифровывается путем перемножения на номер в начале как:
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Ответ на Entry #76, где спойлерХуди и Маски выкрадывают Джессику из отеля.
Дата: 10 октября 2013
forget itisreal
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] As typical in totheark’s videos, every picture shown is heavily distorted. The sound of static is played throughout the entire video. A picture of the ground through a night vision camera shakes in the background behind an extremely distorted picture of a person. The words “Another failure” are in the corner.
[0:03] A picture of Tim standing in the woods. His head briefly splits into two separate faces before going back to normal. The words “You are not trusted”
[0:06] A picture of Jay is on one side of the screen with the words “Deeper and deeper we go” on the other side, partially hidden behind a series of white and black bars.
[0:09] A clip of Tim finding Bruce’s body from Entry #65 plays. The words “Where there is no light” is in the lower corner.
[0:18] A picture of who looks like Alex. The picture is flickering and heavily distorted. The words “He is distorted” are next to him. The sound changes to what sounds like people talking unintelligibly.
[0:24] A black screen with the words “You are distorted” is shown just before the video ends.
Имеем: Another failure
You are not trusted (к Тиму)
Deeper and deeper we go
Where there is no light
He is distorted (Алекс)
You are distorted
Анаграмма BRING KNIFE (в это время в кадре Алекс)
Оригинальный пост Zweelee здесь.
URL записиDecay
Ответ на Entry #54, в которой спойлерДжей забирает у Тима плёнки и показывает эпизод, где Брайан, Тим и Алекс собирались записывать музыку для трейлера. Оператор и укулеле.
Дата: 4 апреля 2012 года. День Рождения Алекса.
Подпись под видео: 011001010110111001100100011010000110100101101101
(докодируется как endhim)
Тэги: "marble", "hornets", and "ark".
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] A hum is heard, no video.
[0:05] A digital squeal plays over the hum. A clip from Entry #26 of Alex sitting on the couch is shown but is distorted.
[0:10] Shot switches to the Operator standing in the hallway from Entry #26.
[0:12] White text on screen: “You caused this”
[0:14] A distorted shot of Alex standing over the man he killed in Entry #49.
[0:20] White text on screen: “You will never be forgiven”
[0:24] Shot from Addition of Jay on the floor coughing.
[0:28] White text on screen: “He will lead me to you”
[0:30] Distorted shot from Entry #50 of Jay taking the knife out of his glove box.
[0:35] White text on screen: “Lead me to death”
[0:39] Bright yellow shot of the woods.
[0:43] White text on screen: “Lead me to the ark” The numbers 14, 15, 3, 8, 15, 9, 3, and 5 flash around the words.
[0:47] Completely white figure of a person with glowing red eyes. The words “Always watching” are around him.
[0:51] A shot of an eye with spots of random colors swirling around the screen. More digital squealing.
[0:55] Screen goes to black.
You caused this
You will never be forgiven
He will lead me to you (в кадре кашляющий Джей)
Lead me to death
Lead me to the ark
14, 15, 3, 8, 15, 9, 3, 5 (no choice)
Always watching и стремный белый чувак

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Ответ на Entry #57, где спойлерТим/Маски, очнувшийся после удара арматуриной по голове, прячется от Алекса в госпитале.
Дата: 14 мая 2012
i seeyou
as always
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black screen with occasional specks of white.
[0:03] Footage of a young boy with a video camera. He adjusts the light on the camera.
[0.07] White text on black "one day you will understand".
[0:11] Frame of white.
[0:11] Footage of children in a classroom watching a projected movie with the words "secrets everywhere"
[0:15] Footage of a paper theatre with the words "liars everywhere". There are three characters, one hanging upside down from a tree. The second character leaves the frame at 0:18.
[0:20] Another classroom of children with the text "look closely and you will know". The top half of the image is distorted.
[0:22] Out of focus footage of a lake and woods. There is a spider on the camera lens.
[0:25] Footage of a vehicle driving down a road in a residential area to a large building at the end of the road.
[0:29] Footage of a boy with a slide projector looking at an image, with the words "see you soon".
[0:33] Frames of a tall figure silhouetted in a doorway with the text "he's watching".
[0:34-0:37] Black screen with occasional specks of white.
one day you will understand
secrets everywhere
liars everywhere
look closely and you will know
see you soon
he's watching (человеческий силуэт в дверях)
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Ответ на Entry #59, где спойлерознакомившийся с каналом МХ на ютубе Тим наезжает на Джея >_<
Дата: 22 июня 2012
Подпись: do not fail
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black.
[0:01] Visual and audio noise. White text "LOOK TO THE ORIGINS".
[0:02] Tim's speech from Entry #59 plays, speeded up, with noticeable audio distortion. The background shows an underexposed image of a tunnel, possibly from Entry #58.
[0:17] A mask emerges slowly in the background.
[0:18] Black screen. White text "TRUTH".
[0:10] Black screen. White text "WITH".
[0:21] Black screen. White text "LIGHT".
[0:22] A series of numbers, video and audio distortion. The numbers are 1912, 85, 41, 89, 1420, 95, 1811, 199. The final number may be truncated.
1912, 85, 41, 89, 1420, 95, 1811, 199 (расшифровано: SL HE DA HI NT IE RK SI - HI SL IE SI NT HE DA RK (his lies in the dark))
Альтернативная расшифровка: He did beg
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Ответ на Entry #60 и Entry #60.5, где спойлерДжей добывает и изучает медицинские документы Тима.
Дата: 1 августа 2012
В твиттере Джея днем ранее появился скрин из этого видео с пометкой "x". Видео помечено "0". Путем нехитрых арифметических расчетов получаем символ Оператора.
Подпись: waitingon you
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black.
[0:01] A grainy, black-and-white image of what looks like a window appears. Noise is heard.
[0:04] Cut to a window outside of a bedroom. Tim walks in, looking ill and unhappy.
[0:08] Tim is shown sitting on his bed and puts his head in his hands.
[0:14] Through some of the distortion, an Operator Mark appears over Tim's head briefly.
[0:20] He grabs a pill bottle from the side dresser and briefly examines them before taking some.
[0:26] Tim sits on his bed and stares straight ahead before looking right towards the window.
[0:33] He gets up and it cuts to him standing at the window seen at the beginning of the video, his figure silhouetted and his back to the camera.
[0:38] For a very short moment, an image of the mask pops up and overlays on Tim’s face.
[0:39] Tim continues to stand at the window and look out of it.
[0:42] The video tears and cuts to black.
Имеем: кто-то (Худи) снимает Тима с улицы через окно. Когда Тим подходит к окну, на его лице на нескольких кадрах появляется маска.
entry, известное миру как Entry #61
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После Observation, которое после Entry #60 и #60.5 - спойлерХуди сливает Джею медицинскую информацию Тима и делает тонкие намеки на Маски.
Дата: 8 августа 2012
Подпись оригинального видео: this is for you to see
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:03-00:07] White text on black screen
About two hours ago, the following video:
was uploaded to my account:1
[00:21-25] A string of numbers and letters after “Entry #” flash. They are listed below, under “Transcript of "ENTRY" jumble.”
[00:25] Blue, green and white pixels appear for a moment.
[00:26] Lightning flashes, revealing an outdoor scene with houses and trees. The lightning flashes several more times, with darkness in between.
[00:43] A blur of white moves over the screen.
[00:44] Another blur of light appears near the top of the screen. It comes into focus. The light is in a house; the window also reveals a man on a phone.
[00:47] The cameraman begins to walk toward the window. The man inside is pacing. As the cameraman moves closer, blinds become visible, as do some of the shelves and a door inside the room.
[01:02] The cameraman stands to the left of the window. Tim’s sideburns become visible, revealing his identity. Tim continues to pace, with his hand on his face and then his hip.
[01:12] Tim puts his phone in his pocket, leans over to grab something, and leaves the room, shutting the door. His iconic tan jacket hangs on the doorknob.
[01:22] The cameraman begins to look down the window, as if figuring out how to open it.
[01:26] His hand reaches for the window. He wears a tan jacket and black gloves. He succeeds in opening it.
[01:39] He pushes the blinds aside and sets the camera on the carpeted floor.
[01:48] He steps in front of the camera. He wears dark shoes.
[01:53] He walks to the left. The camera focuses on the carpet and furniture in the room.
[01:56] He steps back into view, begins to walk toward the end of the room visible, then seems to remember the camera.
[02:00] He picks up the camera and points it into a closet with clothes hanging in it, and boxes on a upper shelf.
[02:08] He looks at the shelf, then parts some clothes and walks to the door.
[02:18] He looks at two frames leaning across from the door.
[02:22] He pulls the lid off a wooden box sitting on a nightstand on the left of the door.
[02:26] He pulls out an empty prescription bottle2
[02:29] He replaces the lid and walks to the opposite corner. A basket sits on top of a dresser. Some clothes are hanging out of the partially open drawers.
[02:36] He pulls out a partially full prescription pill bottle sticking out of the basket. He examines it. Inside are several large white pills.
[02:42] He places the bottle in his pants pocket.
[02:46] Cuts to the cameraman walking toward the closet.
[02:50] He places the camera on the shelf and rotates it so that it faces the room.
[02:54] The hood of his jacket is up, and he can be recognized as the hooded man.
[02:59] He begins to move away from the camera.
[03:02] A door opens off camera, and he looks to the right. Tim can be heard coughing. He ducks under. Tim’s coughing grows louder.
[03:14] Tim collapses onto his bed coughing.
[03:20] He begins to make his way to the dresser, using it and the bed as leverage. He reaches into the basket, looking through its contents.
[03:29] He begins to fall. The basket flies out.
[03:31] He slumps against the wall. He tries to get up but is unable to.
[03:37] His torso and limbs grow stiff. His head leans back and he moves about.
[03:53] A beeping sound goes off. A brownish figure appears against a black screen, as do white words, partially blocked at first:
The figure moves, and the sound shutters.
[03:55] Cuts back to Tim having a seizure. The video is slightly speeded up.
[04:01] Tim is sitting up, his head shaking very quickly. Black blotches cover much of the wall and his bed. Some sort of filter is causing parts of the video to be darker.
[04:02] Tim sobs with his face in his hands, his legs still seeming to be somewhat out of his control.
[04:07] Static begins and his sobs increase in intensity.
[04:11] Audio distortion begins. The filter returns, making even more of the video dark. Only the end of Tim’s bed appears normal. It begins to disappear, first from Tim, then his dresser and wall.
[04:12] The filter and audio distortion end. For a moment, there are two overlapped images of Tim; one of him sobbing and the other with his head leaned against the wall. It resolves the image of him with his head against the wall.
[04:14] He begins to pull one knee up.
[04:19] He sits up so that he isn’t leaning on the wall. He fails several times to get his feet firmly planted on the floor.
[04:37] Tim tries to use a handle from a dresser drawer to pull himself up but loses his grip.
[04:42] He tries again, with his other hand on his bed and slowly pushes himself up over the course of more than 20 seconds. Using his bed as leverage, he makes his way to the right, off camera. Doors can be heard opening and closing.
[05:36] The final door closes.
[05:38] The hooded man crawls out from the closet and stands. He looks toward the door as if to confirm that Tim is gone.
[05:44] He reaches for the camera.
[05:50] Cuts to the road at night. Street lights can be seen in the distance. He is walking toward them. Crickets can be heard.
[05:58-06:03] White text appears over footage.
[06:03] A distorted color correction test screen flashes.
[06:03-09] White text near the bottom of the page reads:
[06:09] A series of numbers flash by.
01 011 100113
[06:14-06:22] White text over the footage of the storm near the bottom
There was a storm earlier, so it’s likely
that this video was shot just a short
while ago.
[06:25-06:30] White text on black screen
I think I know where I can find Tim.
And I’m going there now.
и дальше ооочень много вариаций на тему фамилии Тима и непонятных букафENTRY #}IHWRGT00{10 <-mirrored
ENTRY #}IHWRGT00{10 <-distortion between # and }
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-distortion between # and R first frame, none second frame
ENTRY #1IHR{WGT0}00 <-mirrored
ENTRY #}IHWRGT00{10 <-vertical lines through entry, stopping at about }
ENTRY #1IH|HI1# YRTNE <-mirrored across the |
EN|||||||||||||||GT00{10 <-'|'s are verticle blocky lines
EN|||||||||||||||T{}T010G <-same
ENTRY #1IHR{WGT0}00 <-spun 180 degrees
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-Normal first frame, blurry the second
[] []RY #[]IHW[ ]GT00[][] <-'[]'s are blocks of differet colors
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-mirrored vertically
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-mirrored, superimposed with "I s e e you" not mirrored
I s e e y o u
ENTRY #R0IH0T{}T010G <-spun 180 degrees
EN[ ]IH[ ]T[]10G <-spun 180 degrees, '[]'s are dark splotches
EN[ ]IHWR[ ]{10 <-'[]'s are dark splotches
ENTRY #1IHR{WGT0}00 <-mirrored vertically
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-symmetric colorful static surrounding text
ENTRY #R0IH0T{}T010G <-symmetric colorful static surrounding text
ENTRY #RWIT}H00{10G <-symmetric colorful static surrounding text
thunderstorm with same symmetric colorful static
Худи тырит таблетки Тима
бинарный код: thetrees
читать дальшеTTADecoded
Ответ на Entry #62, где спойлерДжей отправляется в Россвуд искать Тима, что примечательно, находит - после чего ТТА тусит до утра в полном составе, а утром Джей и Тим просыпаются в заброшенном здании.
Дата: 15 сентября 2012
Подпись: alonealonealone т_______т
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] A vertically symmetrical image of trees and then a bit of distortion
[0:00] A shot from the woods of the red building where Jay woke up in Entry #62, from approximately where Tim woke up. White text reads "WHO IS HE". The camera seems to be handheld. There is background noise throughout.
[0:07] The text has a few frames of oddness (I think the text is mirrored) and then the text reads "WHO ARE YOU". This is a continuation of the same shot.
[0:09] Some subdued music begins to play from now until 0.43.
[0:11] There's a movement of the camera and then a cut to a new low angle on a tall tree, likely in the same forest. The colors are odd and the sun glares down at the camera, sometimes dazzling the camera. The camera seems to be handheld and the cameraperson, presumably Hoody/TTA, is walking slowly towards the camera.
[0:18] There is some distortion or other oddness and there's a new cut to a different tree.
[0:25] A new cut to the wall of the building. An eye is visible in a sort of knothole, but it seems to be superimposed on the image. The eyeball is looking wildly around. Text under the eye reads "WHERE IS HE".
[0:32] Momentarily the screen fills with the repeated word "WHERE WHERE WHERE" with a green background.
[0:32] The green is revealed as an out of focus image in the background. The words "MEET AGAIN SOON" appear stacked near the center of the image. The image focuses to show the hooded figure standing looking in the direction of the camera. The green is seen more clearly as tree leaves from the woods. The hooded figure raises his head from a downward gaze to look more directly at the camera. The shot is from inside the building and Hoody is standing in the doorway.
[0:44] For an instant there's a static noise and an image of The Operator is superimposed next to Hoody. The words "FOLLOWS ALL" appear at that time. Image: screenshot
[0:45-0:46] Screen goes to black and there is silence.
WHERE IS HE (глаз в стене)
WHERE WHERE WHERE заполняет весь экран
FOLLOWS ALL (кадр с Оператором)
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Ответ на Entry #64, где спойлерДжей с Тимом идут в Россвуд и встречают Оператора в тоннеле. Тима немного мотает по другим измерениям, после чего он уже в виде Маски оказывается на парковке и уезжает, не обращая на Джея никакого внимания.
Дата: 25 октября 2012
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Ocean with fish swimming around. Text in the corner reads:
[00:03] Two face flash on the screen. A street with a street lamp is out of focus. Text in the corner reads:
[00:11] A person is visibly out of focus walking towards camera. Text overlaps:
[00:15] Someone is running through what appears to be the forest of Rosswood Park. Panting can be heard. Text reads:
[00:18] The words ALEX and FOR YOU are barely visible for a second
[00:21] It cuts to the street again. The person is closer.
[00:26] For a split second a red screen appears with the pixelated Marble Hornets logo
[00:27] Camera cuts to what appears to be the tunnel flooded with water. It slowly fades
[00:34] Binary numbers are shown. Some letters are in the numbers. The letters spell out:
И скрин лица Джессики
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После Entry #65, где спойлерТима после встречи с Оператором в тоннеле варпало по пространственно-временному континууму, заносило в the Dark Realm и в итоге принесло в госпиталь в состоянии Маски, где его сперва глючило, а потом он отключился; алсо, это видео происходит после событий Entry #67, где Маски и Худи гопают Алекса. Кассета была найдена в Entry #66, где Тим рассказал об ужасах своего детства в четырёх стенах психбольницы.
Подпись под видео:
Расшифровывается как noeunitnoc (continue on)
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Low rumbling.
[00:03] Person standing a end of dimly lit hallway.
[00:04] Camera is moving away from person very quickly.
[00:04] Hand grabbing camera bleeds through hallway.
[00:05] Monotone invert of television in forest.
[00:06] Television in a forest.
[00:08] Color signal focus appears on TV
[00:12] TV is in the left side of frame. Hoody is behind bushes. The TV appears to be showing Entry 8.
[00:20] Hoody looks up.
[00:25] Two television show eyes.
[00:27] The word SEES flashes on the left screen twice.
[00:28] The word NOW flashes on the right screen once.
[00:31] Two image overlay, One is a person holding a TV over there head, Two is a person in a hoodie.
[00:33] A television balanced in a tree. Words appear on the screen:
[00:33] The TV shows Jay talking.
[00:35] The screen show Tim now.
[00:36] Now it shows Jay again.
[00:37] The television turns off. Hoody can be seen in the reflection.
[00:40] Stop motion of the TV screen breaking into itself
[00:41] These numbers appear on the screen:
[00:44] Question marks overlap the whole screen
[00:45] The question marks disappear and these numbers appear on the screen:
[00:48] Black screen
82756813832779 (truly your fault)
797983577557 (shes out there)
И лицо Джессики
В твиттере Джея ТТА запостил: 9513390313793583953179 (I am watching)

Entry #68
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После Entry #67.5, где спойлерДжей и Тим, пресытившись компанией Алекса, уезжают из города с Россвудом.
Дата: 10 марта 2013
Подпись: 68 мигает пять раз
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] Black screen; at 0:03, white text appears: "Entry #68"
[0:11] White text on screen: “About an hour ago, the following video was uploaded by someone other than me:”
[0:23] The number 68 briefly flashes on screen a few times.
[0:28] Video begins with the Hooded Man walking first through an open field and then through the woods. He heads into a large abandoned building and into a side room with a mattress on the floor.
[1:27] The Hooded Man is sitting on the mattress with the camera on the ground nearby. He takes off his hood but his face is just out of the shot. He takes a drink from one of the water bottles nearby before standing up and walking back into the main room.
[2:11] He begins checking outside through the broken windows and doors. The sound of a branch breaking comes from outside and he moves toward the sound but nothing is there. He walks back inside the building.
[2:54] Just as the Hooded Man turns around to face the door, Alex rushes him, knocking him to the floor. The video tears at 2:55. Alex’s voice is distorted throughout the scene.
[2:58] Alex: Where did they go? Where are Jay and Tim? Wipe that stupid smile off your face.
[3:06] The Hooded Man pushes Alex off of him and runs out the door and into the woods.
[3:11] Alex: You can run all you want! I will find you!
[3:12] The Hooded Man continues running through the woods. The words “You will not” appear at the bottom of the screen at 3:17 as the video glitches. He stops running at 3:26 to put his hood back on then continues through the woods.
[3:52] A brief glimpse of Alex from earlier in the entry.
[3:53] A shot from inside of the maintenance tunnel of the hospital facing the entrance. The words “You are afraid” are over the center of the shot. The words change to “I am not” at 4:00. Someone is seen jumping down into the tunnel at 4:03.
[4:10] The Hooded Man is sitting in one of the tunnels facing the camera with a lantern next to him. The sound of footsteps begin to get closer. At 4:24, he reaches over and turns the lantern off.
[4:27] White text on screen: “You are trapped” Briefly changes to “We are trapped at 4:33.
[4:38] White text on screen: “Alex doesn’t know where Tim and I have gone, and I plan on keeping it that way for as long as possible.”
[4:48] Screen goes to black.
Имеем: Алекс обижает Худи ><
заставка: 68 мигает
I will find you! You will not
You are afraid
I am not
You are trapped
We are trapped
и приближающиеся шаги в maintenance tunnels
читать дальшеTTADecoded
После Entry #68, где спойлерАлекс ворвался в нычку Худи и решил кулаками выяснить, где Тим и Джей. =\ А ещё там I am not afraid.
Дата: 4 апреля 2013 года. День Рождения Алекса
Заметка: стиль какой-то нехудивский.
А ещё - Everything is fine.
Подпись под видео:
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] The beginning of a film reel plays for a few seconds.
[0:03] Brief shot of some hills overlooking a lake.
[0:04] White text over a shot from the inside of a moving car: “Everything is normal.” The text only shows on the dark parts of the shot.
[0:13] A shot of trees in the distance. There’s a partial face in the lower left corner. The eyes of the face flash white at 0:15 and then the face disappears. White text appears: “Everything is fine.”
[0:18] White text over a shot of an open field with houses in the distance: “I worry about nothing.” A shot of Alex tied to the chair from Entry #67 overlays the shot at 0:25.
[0:27] A few frames of a white figure standing in the Rosswood Park tunnel.
[0:28] Clip of the Hooded Man attacking Alex in the hospital from Entry #67. A face appears in the lower right corner at 0:29, just before the clip changes to Tim punches Alex from the same entry.
[0:30] Clip of the Hooded Man pointing the gun at Alex from Entry #67, then a few frames of the Hooded Man in the maintenance tunnel from Entry #68.
[0:31] White text over a shot of another open field: “Because nothing’s on my mind.”
[0:38] An Operator symbol on a wall, the numbers “83 57 03 95 27 27 35 13 72” are painted below it, followed by a quick shot of Alex with blood on his face from Entry #14.
[0:41] Electronic sounds over a shot from a car driving down a dark road. The white figure from Decay appears briefly on the right side of the screen.
[0:45] Video ends.
Everything is normal.
Everything is fine.
I worry about nothing
Because nothing’s on my mind.
83 57 03 95 27 27 35 13 72 (He will pay)

entry #73
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После Entry #72, где спойлерДжей с Тимом осматривают дом Алекса и встречают Оператора.
Дата: 10 июля 2013
Подпись: .73
текстовый пересказ видео[0:00] Black screen; at 0:02 Entry 73 appears in white text but is distorts. Footsteps in brush can be heard.
[0:11] A person walks through what appears to be Rosswood toward a run down building.
[0:37] The person checks two small rooms to see if anyone is hiding within. The rooms are empty except one has a old mattress with a blanket on it.
[0:52] The person seeming to be the Hooded Man because of the gloves, checks underneath the blanket and then goes out to the main open room again.
[1:00] The hooded man crosses the room to a window.
[1:10] He puts down his camera.
[1:18] He goes to the wall in frame and climbs the wall.
[1:26-1:40] He climbs back down the wall, and takes back his camera revealing that he was getting a gun and that it is The Hooded Man.
[1:42] He makes his way back out of the building and goes back through Rosswood.
[1:54] The camera cuts with distortion and the hooded man is now walking toward a red shack and broken down building.
[2:14-2:20] As he gets closer to the entrance the camera distorts.
[2:21] The hooded man searches the floor for something, as the camera continues to distort.
[2:29] The Hooded Man drops his camera, and appears to be coughing, but the sound is still distorting.
[2:32] The Hooded Man drops to the ground, and continues to cough, but can’t be heard through the distortion of audio.
[2:36] The Hooded man begins to pull of his mask
[2:39] The picture cuts and then returns again.
[2:40] The picture cuts out and back again.
[2:42] The picture distorts, causing most of the screen to be cast in shadow.
[2:46] The picture returns to normal, this whole time the hooded man has been still on all fours on the ground.
[2:48] The picture distorts again.
[2:52] The Hooded Man gets back up on his feet.
[2:54] The camera distorts again, this time just color changes momentarily.
[2:55] The Hooded Man pauses now back on his feet and walks back to the camera.
[3:03-3:28] He picks back up the camera and heads through a door inside and checks the inside wall.
[3:27] The Hooded Man checks the pill containers hiding within the wall for pills.
[3:35] He checks the first bottle and finds it empty and chucks it.
[3:38] He checks the second bottle and finds it to have exactly one pill.
[3:41-3:48] The Hooded Man readjusts his hold on the camera and places it on the ground.
[3:51] He holds the bottle directly in front of the camera, to make sure it can see him opening the bottle.
[3:54] He opens the bottle and takes the pill and then brings it to his mouth out of frame and swallows it.
[4:00] He drops the empty pill bottle and reaches for the camera again.
[4:10] He carefully picks himself up and the camera so his face doesn’t get caught on tape.
[4:15] He exists the building.
[4:27-4:38] The footage cuts and the Hooded Man is now walking down a old path surrounded by grass and trees.
[4:40-4:57] The footage cuts again and the Hooded Man is now walking across a busy bridge.
[4:59-5:10] The footage cuts and the hooded man walks down a sidewalk, in the down town area Jay found Tim at.
[5:11-5:16] The footage cuts again and the Hooded Man walks on a road at night, with the only light coming from street lights.
[5:17] He turns toward a house and starts walking toward it.
[5:20] He checks the road and behind himself to see if anyone is around or watching, and then turns back.
[5:28] He switches on night mode/vision on his camera and continues toward the house, which is Tim’s.
[5:49] The Hooded Man checks a front window to see if its locked, it isn’t.
[5:52] He opens the window as quietly as possible.
[6:00] He checks behind him again, and then climbs inside.
[6:10] He shuts the window.
[6:15] He searches around the room.
[6:20] He walks down a hallway toward a door.
[6:29] The Hooded Man enters a bathroom.
[6:35] He checks behind himself again, and then opens the right cabinet.
[6:40] He searches for extra pills.
[6:46] He finds a bottle with exactly one pill in it.
[6:51] He opens the left cabinet and searches inside.
[6:54] The top shelf was full of pill bottles, only one of which has pills in it.
[7:02] He takes the pill bottle and rechecks one of the bottles.
[7:14] He closes the cabinets.
[7:17] The Hooded man then heads back out of the bathroom.
[7:24] He hears a sound coming from behind him and he turns around.
[7:25] Not hearing it anymore, he leaves the hallway back towards the front door
[7:34] The Hooded Man goes to open the door, and then looks around behind him.
[7:51] He notices a box next to a covered piece of furniture and zooms in on it.
[7:55] He walks toward it, and sees that it’s two boxes the top of which has plastic bags in it.
[7:58] The Hooded Man turns it over and takes out the bags.
[8:06] Underneath the bag revealed to be a tape.
[8:10] As he holds it up to the camera for a moment the word “Liar” flashes next to the tape.
[8:12] A sound comes from within the house startling the Hooded Man.
[8:15] He listens and then puts the tape back in the box and heads back to the hallway.
[8:22-8:31] The Hooded Man slowly checks in the hallway, revealing someone coming down from the attic, a distortion sound can be heard.
[8:33] The Hooded Man runs to the front door, opens it then checking behind him, to see if the person was coming.
[8:35] A flashlight beams down the hallway, and The Hooded Man takes that as his cue to leave.
[8:46] he runs down the yard checks the road again. He turns around and the bush in front of him hides him from the window in front.
[8:48] He watches the window, as the light in the house turns on.
[8:55] Someone walks over and peaks out the window.
[8:57] They zoom in on the window to get a closer look at the person.
[9:08] The person walks away from the window, and the Hooded Man zooms out as the light in the house turns off.
[9:13-end] The Hooded Man runs back down the street and then the screen goes black for the last frames
06:19 - заставка Entry #73 меняется на EntTRY #73
07:01 - за Entry #73 можно различить return
Худи залезает в дом Тима за таблетками, находит таблетки, кассету и Алекса
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Ответ на Entry #74, где спойлерДжей приходит в адекватное состояние после прогулки в дом Алекса, Тим рассказывает ему последние новости и они решают вернуться в город в Россвудом.
Дата: 12 августа 2013
Подпись: {*
текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Static Appears.
[00:03] Human shaped figure is seen briefly in the background.
[00:05] White text appears on screen: ENTRY #000.129519
[00:06] White face appears at bottom right side of the video. Much of the video is garbled. Disorted slowed music playing in the background.
[00:09] Footage of Tim from Entry 72 begins in the background, screen still garbled. Tim points to the house and begins to walk to it.
[00:11] White text appears on screen: WHO ARE THE LIARS
[00:17] Footage from Entry 74 of Jay sitting on a bed plays with distorted dialogue
[00:18] White text appears on screen: ARE YOU ONE OF THEM
[00:24] Small Opearator symbol appears in the background.
[00:25] Footage from Entry 74 plays in background, white text appears on screen: ARE YOU BOTH OF THEM
[00:30] Footage of the Hooded Man away plays in background.
[00:31] Footage of Alex from Entry 68White text on screen: REMEMBER TO LOOK BEHIND YOU
[00:36] White face appears getting distorted as the video goes on and sound gets louder and louder.
[00:44] Red text appears on screen: 1121265476 . 199276
[00:47] Red text appears on screen: 112 . 1265451400953
[00:50] Red text appears on screen: 15582 . 36181564095
ENTRY #000.129519
1121265476 . 199276
112 . 1265451400953
15582 . 36181564095
(расшифровывается путем перемножения на номер в начале как:
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Ответ на Entry #76, где спойлерХуди и Маски выкрадывают Джессику из отеля.
Дата: 10 октября 2013
forget itisreal
текстовый пересказ видео
[0:00] As typical in totheark’s videos, every picture shown is heavily distorted. The sound of static is played throughout the entire video. A picture of the ground through a night vision camera shakes in the background behind an extremely distorted picture of a person. The words “Another failure” are in the corner.
[0:03] A picture of Tim standing in the woods. His head briefly splits into two separate faces before going back to normal. The words “You are not trusted”
[0:06] A picture of Jay is on one side of the screen with the words “Deeper and deeper we go” on the other side, partially hidden behind a series of white and black bars.
[0:09] A clip of Tim finding Bruce’s body from Entry #65 plays. The words “Where there is no light” is in the lower corner.
[0:18] A picture of who looks like Alex. The picture is flickering and heavily distorted. The words “He is distorted” are next to him. The sound changes to what sounds like people talking unintelligibly.
[0:24] A black screen with the words “You are distorted” is shown just before the video ends.
Имеем: Another failure
You are not trusted (к Тиму)
Deeper and deeper we go
Where there is no light
He is distorted (Алекс)
You are distorted
Анаграмма BRING KNIFE (в это время в кадре Алекс)
Оригинальный пост Zweelee здесь.
@темы: MH