The act of observation changes the narrative
Ввиду ВНЕЗАПНО выплывающей наружу ВНЕЗАПНОЙ информации по первому сезону Marble Hornets я посчитала необходимым сделать сводную таблицу информации по видео totheark'a первого сезона (до этого мы с faulpelz делали только по второму и третьему, Часть I, Часть II, посчитав первый в целом иррелевантным для последующего сюжета. Ага. Ага).
Инициатива уже себя ВНЕЗАПНО оправдала. :< Да так, что я до сих пор отойти не могу.
Энивей, вот. Ссылки на источники непосредственно в теле текста.
Ответ на: Entry #9, где спойлермы видим отрывок со съёмок МХ, где Тим с Сарой пытаются проактёрствовать сквозь бесконечные дубли, а Алекс срывается.
Дата: 22 июля 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: ///////
Тэги: Ark, Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видео[00:00] Black screen. Audio is heavy audio distortion, relatively low-pitched.
[00:01] A 12x12 rectangle of white slashes appear: It flashes three times: long, long, short, each less than a second.
[00:03] The audio distortion changes to something slightly higher-pitched and continues to fluctuate periodically throughout the video. A 15x15 rectangle of slashes appears, which flashes three times: long, short, long.
[00:04] An 11x11 rectangle of slashes appears which flashes four times: long, long, short, long.
[00:07] The following appears, centered on the screen in white text.
[00:09] "CLOSELY" disappears.
Audio cuts out.
[00:10] Video ends.
Что есть: G, K, Q кодом Морзе
Q-коды: QAQ or QJA.
QAQ stands for "Am I near prohibited/restricted/danger area?", and QJA means "Is my [a)tape b)mark and space] reversed?”
LOK CLOSELY (дешифровав количество слэшей альфанумерически)
аудио, если инвертировать и проиграть со скоростью Х4
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
Остальные видео TTA первого сезона
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Ответ на: Entry #10, где спойлерАлекс мечется среди деревьев, пытаясь сбежать от Оператора
Дата: 31 июля 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: \\\yes\\\
Тэги: Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe audio is heavily distorted and appears to be from something outdoors, possibly Entry 4 or Entry 10. The video is a sequence of appearances of text. They appear and disappear on different parts of the screen, appearing in different groupings and in different (or similar) locations.
In Stillnesss will
of the
Что есть: Lakes In Stillnesss will Take Every life of the Night = LISTEN
Отсутствующее аудио из Entry #10
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #11, где спойлерАлекс показан в доме в нескольких ситуациях, отчаянно параноящим.
Дата: 11 августа 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: ///
Тэги: Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видеоVisually, the video consists of a pair of fluorescent lights (creating a \\ pattern) flashing in what looks like Morse code. The audio is a distorted bass noise. Included in the mix is a slow voice repeating what sounds like "Alex" backwards on the left channel.
The video ends with the text "WATCHING YOU" - you is in bold, and spelled using the letter O rather than a zero.
Если инвертировать и ускорить аудио, то можно услышать что-то похожее на "Alex"
Светлые полоски мигают в соответствии с неким кодом, который не был пока ещё расшифрован.
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #12, где спойлертаинственной девушкой, держащей камеру, оказывается снят наблюдающий за съёмками Оператор; самое интересное остаётся за кадром
Дата: 1 сентября 2009 года
Подпись под видео: 000000000
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video seems to be in four sections.
In the first section, there is no audio track, and the only visual is a blinking "begin".
In the second section, a series of zeroes is presented, where the main message seems to be:
In the third section, some tree tops are filmed in the rain during a thunder storm. The audio appears to be of that storm - including rain and thunder sounds - along with a frequency of 1046 Hz. Right before the cut to the fourth section, the word "operator" appears in the plant.
In the fourth section, a heavily distorted audio clip is played and the screen is filled with zeroes. Among the zeroes are the letters "T H E R E W A S M R E."
Что есть: begin
operator, тускнеющее на фоне дерева
Звук частотой 1046 гц (С6)
Число нолей - 26 5 18 15, что тоже дешифруется альфанумерически как zero (на телефоне - кнопка вызова оператора).
Шесть нолей в описании - I
Видео дождя
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #13, в котором спойлерАлекс просит Джея принести батарейки из машины, а потом натыкается на Оператора.
Дата: 15 сентября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: remember me (T_T)
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video starts with quick flashes of the words "Rat" "He" "Ore" and "Top" - an anagram for "the operator". Buzzing can be heard during this segment.
Footage from a handheld camcorder flickers, then steadies and zooms in on a white convertible. Jay walks around the back of the car and enters in through the driver's side - Jay confirmed later via twitter that he was looking for batteries for Alex's camera. This places the footage directly after Jay's exit from Entry 13.
Cars passing on the nearby street are the only audio - this background sound was also heard in Entry 13. Whoever is filming Jay is hiding next to a tree behind cover of ferns and other leafy plants. The car's license plate cannot be seen throughout the clip (it is covered by a fern leaf the entire time). The video seems to have a filter applied that turns darker areas of the clip completely black.
Jay pops the trunk, gets out of the car, and opens the trunk. After a few moments, he finds what he is looking for, closes the trunk (while looking at the camera for a split second), and locks up the car. He runs back to where he started - the camera follows his movements, then runs after him. A beep is heard, and the video cuts.
If this video is downloaded from YouTube and played in a standard media player, the text "WHEREIS THEARK" is displayed on the last frame of the clip.
Что есть: неизвестно кем снятое в период съёмок фильма Алекса видео, следующее сразу за видео из Энтри 13
Слова "Rat" "He" "Ore" и "Top" - анаграмма для "the operator"
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #14, где спойлерОператор заглядывает Алексу вгости спальню, а у Алекса лоб в крови как от тернового венца
Дата: 26 сентября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: 000
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video starts with two seconds of a slightly distorted color correction test screen, then cuts to red-tinted video footage. It appears to be the outside of a house, with the majority of the house hidden by trees. The audio appears to be a ticking sound (like a movie projector) mixed in with a repeating music loop. An undulating hand-drawn "S" occupies the lower-left hand corner of the screen.
At 0:08, a code flashes on the door of the house (repeating three times):
Finally, the video ends with the words "bleed more" written curiously, like so:
Что есть: тестовый экран
снова дождь, много его; здание с колоннами
код предположительно расшифровывается как YAMA
bleed more
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #15, где спойлерДжей расспрашивает Тима о съёмках фильма Алекса и пытается выяснить, помнит ли тот что-нибудь занимательное.
Дата: 12 октября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: 00110111 (через ASCII расшифровывается как 7)
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video begins with a black screen with the words "tick tock" written upside down on it.
At 00:02, video of Brian starts. It is from the same set as Entry 7, but the footage does not seem to match up with anything actually in Entry #7. The video is accompanied by distorted audio, including a section that sounds like reversed and slowed speech. Over the video is the following:
The footage of Brian pans from him to look out the back window.
Что имеем: видео, похожее на отрывок из Entry #7, но не он
tick-tock вверх ногами (обозначает обратный отсчёт?)
код на протяжении видео - отсчёт от 0 до 10
звук, предположительно "Leave now".
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #16, где спойлерДжей первый раз лезет в дом, где предположительно можно найти Брайана или Алекса, и обнаруживает таблетки, гильзу от пули, кровь в раковине и рисунки Алекса.
Дата: 21 октября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: //eyes\\
Тэги: Marble. Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video is grainy footage of Jay during his coughing fit in Entry 16.
At 00:13 a black screen with fuzzy text reads:
Что есть: Джей, кашляющий во время первого залезания в дом, вид сзади
Аудио, где Джей зовёт Алекса и Брайана, как только заходит в дом. Ускоренное в 2,5 раз для слова "Алекс" и в 3,3 раза для слова "Брайан".
Предположительное авторство и адресат: обращено к Джею, хоть это наконец можно сказать точно. Х_Х
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Ответ на: Entry #17, где спойлерТим стоит у окна, за которым виден Оператор, Джею холодно, а Брайан куда-то ушёл.
Дата: 4 ноября 2014 г.
Подпись под видео: again
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
[00:01-00:03] Video focuses in on a hanging light fixture.
Narrator: Just wait 'til we're alone together
[00:03-00:06] Video shows a boy looking out a window.
Narrator: And I'll show you something new, something [c]old.
[00:07-00:10] Video shows a woman in black lighting a cigarette.
Narrator: something sleepy, something obscene
[00:10-00:13] Video shows a boy in silhouette outside in the snow. Pans down to show the boy looking up at something off-camera.
Narrator: a piece of the long bright curve of space.
[00:13-00:16] Video shows an empty bed in a dark room.
Narrator: Banish them, refuse to speak.
[00:17-00:18] Video shows a close-up of the boy in a classroom.
Narrator: Leave them. Go upstairs to
[00:18-00:19] Video shows a boy's hand waving out a window.
Narrator: your room.
[00:20-00:22] Video is distorted. Shows a man in a suit and tie smoking.
Narrator: I will be waiting for you. I will
[00:22-00:24] Video shows three people (one woman and two men) looking at the camera.
Narrator: surround your bed.
[00:24-00:28] Video looks up at trees with no leaves.
Narrator: Close the windows, so that none will ever again be able to enter.
[0:28] Stock footage stops, and a black screen with blurry white text appears that reads:
This text looks like it is crossed by bars of some sort.
[0:31] There is a final frame that is only viewable when the video is downloaded that says:
find me
[0:31] Video ends.
Что есть: footage из короткометражки 1966 г. по "Silent Snow, Secret Snow"
аудио оттуда же - Just wait till we are alone together, and I will tell you something new. Something cold, something sleepy, something of cease and peace, and the long bright curve of space. Banish them, refuse to speak. Leave them. Go upstairs to your room. I will be waiting for you. I will surround your bed. Close the windows, so that no one will ever again will be able to enter.
(полный вариант из рассказа - читать дальше"Ah, but just wait! Wait till we
are alone together! Then I will begin to tell you something new!
Something white! something cold! something sleepy! something of cease,
and peace, and the long bright curve of space! Tell them to go away.
Banish them. Refuse to speak. Leave them, go upstairs to your room,
turn out the light and get into bed — I will go with you, I will be waiting
for you, I will tell you a better story than Little Kay of the Skates, or
The Snow Ghost — I will surround your bed, I will close the windows,
pile a deep drift against the door, so that none will ever again be able to
enter. Speak to them? ..."(c))
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #18, в котором спойлерДжей залезает в заброшенный дом во второй раз и натыкается на Маски. А потом рассказывает кулстори об этом столкновении какому-то юзеру (но уже не в Энтри).
Дата: 21 ноября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: .
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThis video uses external footage of a ship sinking. The audio is a reversed and slowed down version of a song played by a full band/orchestra. White text is imposed on the external images. This text reads:
Tell us
You have been keeping
Smile for the camera
Beginning at 00:21 while the text reads "Smile for the camera" a picture of the bottom half of someone's face is layered over the image of the sinking ship.
Что есть: видео тонущего корабля (the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor)
аудио, если инвертировать и ускорить в четыре раза, похожее на марш, играемый оркестром
изображение половины лица Тима
Tell us. You have been keeping secrets.
Smile for the camera
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #19, где спойлерМаски забирается в спальню к Джею, а потом девается вместе с ним незнамо куда.
Дата: 2 декабря 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: 91
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
текстовый пересказ видеоThe video begins with a close up of Jay with very dark marks or circles under his eyes sitting on the floor in a hallway against a door. The look on his face is of a stupor or trance. The video then cuts to a long shot of the hallway with Jay in the same position as before at the bottom of the frame. To the right is an L bend in the hallway. At the 0:04 second mark what appears to be The Operator emerges from the hall and proceeds towards the camera. The video then cuts to black with the following text centered on screen:
This is followed by another frame, only viewable with a downloaded copy of the video
Что есть: Джей в альтернативном состоянии сознания и с ЧОРНЫМИ кругами вокруг глаз
Оператор, ходящий ногами и пофигистично относящийся к Джею
хз чей дом, в котором почему-то есть электричество
found you
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #20, в которой спойлермы видим очередной footage со съёмок фильма, Алекс выказывает порицание художественным вкусам Брайана, появляется картина с лесом, водой и пожаром, Тим кашляет и пьёт таблетки, а Джей решает отправиться к красной башне.
Дата: 16 декабря 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: s
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
It begins with chroma-keyed upside-down footage of the Entry 5 Tower and then cuts to a block of zeros with the following words flashing across in front of them:
It ends with the text "waiting for you" with each word stacked vertically atop the next. "Waiting" is italicized to the right, "for" is not, and "you" is italicized to the left. Each word is a different size, with "for" being the largest.
Что есть: poison random endings centered exludes death encountering stale truth receives endangerinf every section
начальные буквы слов складываются в PRECEDES TREES, что является анаграммой для DEEPER SECRETS
красный x
код Морзе, который расшифровывается как OPERATOR
перевёрнутое изображение красной башни
waiting for you со странным форматированием
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После: Entry #22, в котором спойлермы видим содержимое плёнки, найденной в красной башне. Выпил Сета в подвале. EVERYONE IS GONE. T_T
Дата: 10 января 2010 г.
Подпись: .
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
00:00: Black-and-white footage of a large group of people riding bicycles along a road lined with large crowds of people. The video appears distorted, as well as very old.
There is audio, but it is fuzzy and sounds distorted or slowed down.
00:03: It begins to cut to a shot of a pair of high wheel bicycles, but before the shot can resolve, it cuts to a black screen with white text:
Return to us
00:05: Black-and-white footage of a sailor in a public restroom, in front of a sink and mirror. Overlaid on the bottom right corner of the image are the words:
Wake up
There is fuzzy distortion on this clip.
00:06: The sailor picks something up form the soap dish and steps towards the garbage can, raising his hand as if to throw it away.
Further audio cuts in here, a higher-pitched and slightly louder layer of fuzzy noise.
00:09: The footage reverses, so that the sailor steps back towards the sink.
00:10: Cut to a black screen with text. The text appears to consist of white-and-color static-like distortion. It reads:
The second layer of audio gets a little higher-pitched.
00:13: A still image of the red tower with the operator symbol scratched in, as seen in Entry #21.
The audio cuts out.
00:13: Video ends.
Что есть: Return to us
Wake up
aiatiwnguoryrarialv - анаграмма к awaiting your arrival
моряк в WC?
люди на велосипедах - "The bicycle parade shown is footage from the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition. It took place in San Francisco, and it was a World's Fair of sorts".
Admission (два ТТА подряд! а фигли было игнорить?)
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Ответ на: Entry #16 (!!!), где спойлерДжей забирается в Тот Самый Дом первый раз. И да, там действительно некоторые двери были закрыты.
Дата: 15 января 2010 г.
Подпись под видео: +
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Black screen.
[00:01] Very distorted footage of what appears to be a dark interior, facing a window covered by slatted blinds, creating a bar pattern. The distortion is in the form of grainy, high-contrast black, white, red and yellow, with small bits of cyan and green over the slatted area.
Low, grainy noise can be heard in the background. It remains steady throughout the video.
[00:05] Three hollow, high-pitched tapping noises can be heard, in the rhythm "tap, tap tap".
[00:06] Very slowly, a silhouetted figure enters from the right and passes over the slatted section of the frame, head bowed at about a 45 degree angle. The figure's legs cannot be seen moving.
[00:14] One faint, and two slightly louder tapping noises can be heard, in the same rhythm as before
[00:18] The figure continues to move to the left, passing into the dark section of the frame. The silhouette can still be detected faintly, due to bits of the grainy distortion.
[00:23] Another tap is heard.
The footage changes, appearing to pull further back on the same scene. The same slatted section is visible at the middle of the frame, smaller than before.
The audio distortion takes on a second tone, slightly louder and higher-pitched.
Two more taps are heard.
[00:25] A half-door at waist or chest height begins to open, with no apparent outside influence.
[00:34] The door is fully open.
[00:35] The door slams shut. The sound of the door shutting is audible.
[00:36] Fuzzier audio distortion can be heard, gaining volume.
[00:37] The footage begins to distort, becoming wavy and shot through with red and green vertical lines.
[00:40] The footage distorts completely, becoming unrecognizable, abstract shapes.
Cut to a black screen, with white text:
There are doors
The previous audio has cut out, and high-pitched audio kicks in, such as can be heard on a television color testing screen.
[00:41] Additional white text joins the previous, on a second line and offset so that the first letter is below the space between "are" and "doors":
[00:43] The audio falters, and cuts out.
The video ends.
Что есть: некий дом, вероятно, тот самый
открывающаяся-закрывающаяся дверь
фигура на фоне вертикальных жалюзи (?) - вероятно, Оператор
There are doors unopened
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После: Entry #23, где спойлерДжей лезет в третий раз в Тот Самый Дом, уже днём - но это не очень-то и помогает. Капец пространственно-временному континууму, а ещё это проклятый подвал Оператор опасносте!!!11адынадын
Дата: 3 февраля 2010 г.
Подпись под видео: failure nigh
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
[0:01-0:02] The screen is filled with static.
[0:03-0:08] A strange distorted noise is heard, and over the static on screen, the words “The following are raw footage excerpts from ALex Kralie” are seen.
[0:09-0:13] A wooden drawing mannequin is shown in a shadowed screen, and stop-motion animated to move its head around and rotate at the hips.
[0:14-0:15] The screen goes blank again, with the handwritten words “EYES OPen.” The “O” has an x through it, causing it to resemble the Operator Symbol.
[0:16-0:18] The eyes of the Mask are seen, apparently against paper, with the words “Stay Home” seen through the eye holes.
[0:19-0:22] A blurred video of someone wearing the Mask can be seen, their head rocking slowly back and forth.
[0:23-0:24] A similar scene as 0:16-0:18 is displayed, but this time, the words “Be Alone” are seen in the eyeholes.
[0:24-0:26] The drawing mannequin is again seen, still stop-motion animated to its jerky motion.
[0:27-0:28] A screen covered in overlapping circles is seen.
[0:29] Someone is seen wearing the Mask, facing the camera, with their eyes rolling wildly. The video is clearer than previous scenes.
[0:30-0:31] A blank, slightly static-y screen with the words “Smile for the camera” is seen.
[0:32-0:33] A series of X’s are drawn through the overlapping circles from the earlier screen.
[0:34-0:35] A large white “erased” X is drawn through the whole screen.
[0:35-0:36] A blurred video of a person wearing the Mask is again seen. This time, it appears the person has black or dark hair.
[0:37-0:38]The drawing mannequin is seen a third time, still moving.
[0:39-0:42] the word “Regards” is seen, underlined with a flourish.
[Latter half of 0:42] The words “Smile for DeAtH” are seen.
Что есть: The following are raw footage excerpts from ALex Kralie - заглавные буквы дают TALK
EYES OPen (О записана как символ Оператора)
Stay HoMe
Be Alone
Smile for the Camera
Smile for DeAth
двигающаяся куколка для зарисовывания поз, похожая на марионетку
Оператора символы в количестве
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
Entry ######
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Запощено на аккаунте Джея.
После Entry #24, в которой спойлерДжей выясняет, что не все двери в его доме ведут туда, куда положено. При этом не приходя в сознание, судя по всему. А мы выясняем, НАСКОЛЬКО он параноил, раз выставил столько камер по всему дому.
Дата: 5 марта 2010 г.
Подпись: ____ (Почему-то и wiki, и TTADecoded показывали пустое ничего вместо длинной линии подчёркивания. Втф?)
Тэги: Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] A large operator symbol written with black on a white background, speculated to be some sort of whiteboard. High-contrast distortion renders the far right portion of the frame black. The image "boils", being three different images of the Operator symbol interchanged at three-frame intervals. There is a single, slightly garbled tone overlaying the clip.
[00:02] A a fuzzy, rectangular black shape with a slanted top and an irregular left side appears on a white background. It is not a still image, but appears to have been filmed with a stationary camera and pulses slightly. The audio tone continues, a second, lower, buzzing tone joins the first.
[00:03] The buzzing tone increases in volume and then quickly decreases again. This continues throughout the video with different volumes and tones.
[00:04-00:06] A very distorted voice begins to speak: "We will wait for you no more."
[00:06] An image of two grey-white ovals on a black ground, with some grey artifacts around the edges. It is not a still image either. The image blurs and pulses slightly.
[00:07-00:10] The distorted voice continues: "Control is being taken away from you."
[00:08] A high-contrast distorted image of what appears to be the mask, seen from a high angle, medium grey on a black background. The mask is moving, as if the person wearing it is leaning further forward.
[00:09] The mask moves upward again, as if the person is sitting up. This continues till the mask disappears out the top of the frame. It passes through some intermittent shadow before it disappears.
[00:10] The masked figure, seen from the shoulders up against a grey wall. There does not appear to be much contrast distortion on this section. The masked figure is moving his head, and the filming is jerky and rapid, similar to stop motion or very rapid cuts. The masked man goes from looking to the left of the frame, to looking up, to looking to the right of the frame.
[00:11-00:13] The distorted voice continues: "From the start this has been a game (to/for) us."
[00:11] A blurry shape evocative of a face or the mask against a grainy, mostly black background. The face appears to be moving slightly, very slowly, from head slightly tilted down to looking straight forward. There are blurring and contrast distortion on this shot.
[00:13] A blurry shot of the masked man from the chest up. The same distortion and contrast adjustments are present on this shot. The masked man's image moves left slightly, as if the camera is steady but not stationary.
[00:15-00:16] The distorted voice continues: "Not anymore."
[00:15] A very blurry shot of a figure, obscured by vertical slats of black and grey that sway back and forth. The figure is very blurry, but the shape of the eye sockets suggest that this is also the masked man.
[00:18] A close-up, blurry shot of the mask on the left of the frame. He tilts his head abruptly and rapidly moves offscreen to the left.
[00:18-00:19] The voice continues: "I'm coming for you."
[00:19] Another shot of the masked man through the vertical slats. This shot is less blurry than the previous, and there is less of the grainy distortion. The masked man moves towards the camera until he is passing through the blinds.
[00:19-00:21] The voice continues: "And you will lead me"
[00:20] A high-angle close-up shot of the mask, with a great deal of grainy high-contrast distortion.
[00:21] A clip of the masked man rapidly tossing his head. This clip is very high-contrast, but much more in focus.
[00:21] A clip of a male figure wearing a light-colored, collared jacket putting the mask over his face.
[00:22] A clip of the figure behind the moving blinds. The blinds turn, obscuring the figure with grey surfaces, and then continue to turn, rendering the whole frame black.
[00:22-00:23] The voice continues: "to the ark."
[00:23] An indistinct, blurry image of an assortment of random of grey and black blotches. These appear to blur out of focus, and then the black areas grow until they overtake the entire screen.
[00:26] The video ends.
Что есть:
We will wait for you no more. Control is being taken away from you. From the start, it has been a game for us. Not anymore.
I'm coming for you, and you will lead me. To the ark. Кстати, интересно, почему множественное число первого лица меняется на единственное. О_о
Маски в ассортименте, кто-то даже утверждает, что это разные Персоны
символ Оператора
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ?? но вот это самое интересное, лол
Инициатива уже себя ВНЕЗАПНО оправдала. :< Да так, что я до сих пор отойти не могу.
Энивей, вот. Ссылки на источники непосредственно в теле текста.
Ответ на: Entry #9, где спойлермы видим отрывок со съёмок МХ, где Тим с Сарой пытаются проактёрствовать сквозь бесконечные дубли, а Алекс срывается.
Дата: 22 июля 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: ///////
Тэги: Ark, Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видео[00:00] Black screen. Audio is heavy audio distortion, relatively low-pitched.
[00:01] A 12x12 rectangle of white slashes appear: It flashes three times: long, long, short, each less than a second.
[00:03] The audio distortion changes to something slightly higher-pitched and continues to fluctuate periodically throughout the video. A 15x15 rectangle of slashes appears, which flashes three times: long, short, long.
[00:04] An 11x11 rectangle of slashes appears which flashes four times: long, long, short, long.
[00:07] The following appears, centered on the screen in white text.
[00:09] "CLOSELY" disappears.
Audio cuts out.
[00:10] Video ends.
Что есть: G, K, Q кодом Морзе
Q-коды: QAQ or QJA.
QAQ stands for "Am I near prohibited/restricted/danger area?", and QJA means "Is my [a)tape b)mark and space] reversed?”
LOK CLOSELY (дешифровав количество слэшей альфанумерически)
аудио, если инвертировать и проиграть со скоростью Х4
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
Остальные видео TTA первого сезона
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Ответ на: Entry #10, где спойлерАлекс мечется среди деревьев, пытаясь сбежать от Оператора
Дата: 31 июля 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: \\\yes\\\
Тэги: Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe audio is heavily distorted and appears to be from something outdoors, possibly Entry 4 or Entry 10. The video is a sequence of appearances of text. They appear and disappear on different parts of the screen, appearing in different groupings and in different (or similar) locations.
In Stillnesss will
of the
Что есть: Lakes In Stillnesss will Take Every life of the Night = LISTEN
Отсутствующее аудио из Entry #10
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #11, где спойлерАлекс показан в доме в нескольких ситуациях, отчаянно параноящим.
Дата: 11 августа 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: ///
Тэги: Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видеоVisually, the video consists of a pair of fluorescent lights (creating a \\ pattern) flashing in what looks like Morse code. The audio is a distorted bass noise. Included in the mix is a slow voice repeating what sounds like "Alex" backwards on the left channel.
The video ends with the text "WATCHING YOU" - you is in bold, and spelled using the letter O rather than a zero.
Если инвертировать и ускорить аудио, то можно услышать что-то похожее на "Alex"
Светлые полоски мигают в соответствии с неким кодом, который не был пока ещё расшифрован.
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #12, где спойлертаинственной девушкой, держащей камеру, оказывается снят наблюдающий за съёмками Оператор; самое интересное остаётся за кадром
Дата: 1 сентября 2009 года
Подпись под видео: 000000000
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video seems to be in four sections.
In the first section, there is no audio track, and the only visual is a blinking "begin".
In the second section, a series of zeroes is presented, where the main message seems to be:
In the third section, some tree tops are filmed in the rain during a thunder storm. The audio appears to be of that storm - including rain and thunder sounds - along with a frequency of 1046 Hz. Right before the cut to the fourth section, the word "operator" appears in the plant.
In the fourth section, a heavily distorted audio clip is played and the screen is filled with zeroes. Among the zeroes are the letters "T H E R E W A S M R E."
Что есть: begin
operator, тускнеющее на фоне дерева
Звук частотой 1046 гц (С6)
Число нолей - 26 5 18 15, что тоже дешифруется альфанумерически как zero (на телефоне - кнопка вызова оператора).
Шесть нолей в описании - I
Видео дождя
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #13, в котором спойлерАлекс просит Джея принести батарейки из машины, а потом натыкается на Оператора.
Дата: 15 сентября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: remember me (T_T)
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video starts with quick flashes of the words "Rat" "He" "Ore" and "Top" - an anagram for "the operator". Buzzing can be heard during this segment.
Footage from a handheld camcorder flickers, then steadies and zooms in on a white convertible. Jay walks around the back of the car and enters in through the driver's side - Jay confirmed later via twitter that he was looking for batteries for Alex's camera. This places the footage directly after Jay's exit from Entry 13.
Cars passing on the nearby street are the only audio - this background sound was also heard in Entry 13. Whoever is filming Jay is hiding next to a tree behind cover of ferns and other leafy plants. The car's license plate cannot be seen throughout the clip (it is covered by a fern leaf the entire time). The video seems to have a filter applied that turns darker areas of the clip completely black.
Jay pops the trunk, gets out of the car, and opens the trunk. After a few moments, he finds what he is looking for, closes the trunk (while looking at the camera for a split second), and locks up the car. He runs back to where he started - the camera follows his movements, then runs after him. A beep is heard, and the video cuts.
If this video is downloaded from YouTube and played in a standard media player, the text "WHEREIS THEARK" is displayed on the last frame of the clip.
Что есть: неизвестно кем снятое в период съёмок фильма Алекса видео, следующее сразу за видео из Энтри 13
Слова "Rat" "He" "Ore" и "Top" - анаграмма для "the operator"
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #14, где спойлерОператор заглядывает Алексу в
Дата: 26 сентября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: 000
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video starts with two seconds of a slightly distorted color correction test screen, then cuts to red-tinted video footage. It appears to be the outside of a house, with the majority of the house hidden by trees. The audio appears to be a ticking sound (like a movie projector) mixed in with a repeating music loop. An undulating hand-drawn "S" occupies the lower-left hand corner of the screen.
At 0:08, a code flashes on the door of the house (repeating three times):
Finally, the video ends with the words "bleed more" written curiously, like so:
Что есть: тестовый экран
снова дождь, много его; здание с колоннами
код предположительно расшифровывается как YAMA
bleed more
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #15, где спойлерДжей расспрашивает Тима о съёмках фильма Алекса и пытается выяснить, помнит ли тот что-нибудь занимательное.
Дата: 12 октября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: 00110111 (через ASCII расшифровывается как 7)
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video begins with a black screen with the words "tick tock" written upside down on it.
At 00:02, video of Brian starts. It is from the same set as Entry 7, but the footage does not seem to match up with anything actually in Entry #7. The video is accompanied by distorted audio, including a section that sounds like reversed and slowed speech. Over the video is the following:
The footage of Brian pans from him to look out the back window.
Что имеем: видео, похожее на отрывок из Entry #7, но не он
tick-tock вверх ногами (обозначает обратный отсчёт?)
код на протяжении видео - отсчёт от 0 до 10
звук, предположительно "Leave now".
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #16, где спойлерДжей первый раз лезет в дом, где предположительно можно найти Брайана или Алекса, и обнаруживает таблетки, гильзу от пули, кровь в раковине и рисунки Алекса.
Дата: 21 октября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: //eyes\\
Тэги: Marble. Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThe video is grainy footage of Jay during his coughing fit in Entry 16.
At 00:13 a black screen with fuzzy text reads:
Что есть: Джей, кашляющий во время первого залезания в дом, вид сзади
Аудио, где Джей зовёт Алекса и Брайана, как только заходит в дом. Ускоренное в 2,5 раз для слова "Алекс" и в 3,3 раза для слова "Брайан".
Предположительное авторство и адресат: обращено к Джею, хоть это наконец можно сказать точно. Х_Х
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Ответ на: Entry #17, где спойлерТим стоит у окна, за которым виден Оператор, Джею холодно, а Брайан куда-то ушёл.
Дата: 4 ноября 2014 г.
Подпись под видео: again
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
[00:01-00:03] Video focuses in on a hanging light fixture.
Narrator: Just wait 'til we're alone together
[00:03-00:06] Video shows a boy looking out a window.
Narrator: And I'll show you something new, something [c]old.
[00:07-00:10] Video shows a woman in black lighting a cigarette.
Narrator: something sleepy, something obscene
[00:10-00:13] Video shows a boy in silhouette outside in the snow. Pans down to show the boy looking up at something off-camera.
Narrator: a piece of the long bright curve of space.
[00:13-00:16] Video shows an empty bed in a dark room.
Narrator: Banish them, refuse to speak.
[00:17-00:18] Video shows a close-up of the boy in a classroom.
Narrator: Leave them. Go upstairs to
[00:18-00:19] Video shows a boy's hand waving out a window.
Narrator: your room.
[00:20-00:22] Video is distorted. Shows a man in a suit and tie smoking.
Narrator: I will be waiting for you. I will
[00:22-00:24] Video shows three people (one woman and two men) looking at the camera.
Narrator: surround your bed.
[00:24-00:28] Video looks up at trees with no leaves.
Narrator: Close the windows, so that none will ever again be able to enter.
[0:28] Stock footage stops, and a black screen with blurry white text appears that reads:
This text looks like it is crossed by bars of some sort.
[0:31] There is a final frame that is only viewable when the video is downloaded that says:
find me
[0:31] Video ends.
Что есть: footage из короткометражки 1966 г. по "Silent Snow, Secret Snow"
аудио оттуда же - Just wait till we are alone together, and I will tell you something new. Something cold, something sleepy, something of cease and peace, and the long bright curve of space. Banish them, refuse to speak. Leave them. Go upstairs to your room. I will be waiting for you. I will surround your bed. Close the windows, so that no one will ever again will be able to enter.
(полный вариант из рассказа - читать дальше"Ah, but just wait! Wait till we
are alone together! Then I will begin to tell you something new!
Something white! something cold! something sleepy! something of cease,
and peace, and the long bright curve of space! Tell them to go away.
Banish them. Refuse to speak. Leave them, go upstairs to your room,
turn out the light and get into bed — I will go with you, I will be waiting
for you, I will tell you a better story than Little Kay of the Skates, or
The Snow Ghost — I will surround your bed, I will close the windows,
pile a deep drift against the door, so that none will ever again be able to
enter. Speak to them? ..."(c))
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #18, в котором спойлерДжей залезает в заброшенный дом во второй раз и натыкается на Маски. А потом рассказывает кулстори об этом столкновении какому-то юзеру (но уже не в Энтри).
Дата: 21 ноября 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: .
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видеоThis video uses external footage of a ship sinking. The audio is a reversed and slowed down version of a song played by a full band/orchestra. White text is imposed on the external images. This text reads:
Tell us
You have been keeping
Smile for the camera
Beginning at 00:21 while the text reads "Smile for the camera" a picture of the bottom half of someone's face is layered over the image of the sinking ship.
Что есть: видео тонущего корабля (the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor)
аудио, если инвертировать и ускорить в четыре раза, похожее на марш, играемый оркестром
изображение половины лица Тима
Tell us. You have been keeping secrets.
Smile for the camera
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #19, где спойлерМаски забирается в спальню к Джею, а потом девается вместе с ним незнамо куда.
Дата: 2 декабря 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: 91
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
текстовый пересказ видеоThe video begins with a close up of Jay with very dark marks or circles under his eyes sitting on the floor in a hallway against a door. The look on his face is of a stupor or trance. The video then cuts to a long shot of the hallway with Jay in the same position as before at the bottom of the frame. To the right is an L bend in the hallway. At the 0:04 second mark what appears to be The Operator emerges from the hall and proceeds towards the camera. The video then cuts to black with the following text centered on screen:
This is followed by another frame, only viewable with a downloaded copy of the video
Что есть: Джей в альтернативном состоянии сознания и с ЧОРНЫМИ кругами вокруг глаз
Оператор, ходящий ногами и пофигистично относящийся к Джею
хз чей дом, в котором почему-то есть электричество
found you
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
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Ответ на: Entry #20, в которой спойлермы видим очередной footage со съёмок фильма, Алекс выказывает порицание художественным вкусам Брайана, появляется картина с лесом, водой и пожаром, Тим кашляет и пьёт таблетки, а Джей решает отправиться к красной башне.
Дата: 16 декабря 2009 г.
Подпись под видео: s
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
It begins with chroma-keyed upside-down footage of the Entry 5 Tower and then cuts to a block of zeros with the following words flashing across in front of them:
It ends with the text "waiting for you" with each word stacked vertically atop the next. "Waiting" is italicized to the right, "for" is not, and "you" is italicized to the left. Each word is a different size, with "for" being the largest.
Что есть: poison random endings centered exludes death encountering stale truth receives endangerinf every section
начальные буквы слов складываются в PRECEDES TREES, что является анаграммой для DEEPER SECRETS
красный x
код Морзе, который расшифровывается как OPERATOR
перевёрнутое изображение красной башни
waiting for you со странным форматированием
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После: Entry #22, в котором спойлермы видим содержимое плёнки, найденной в красной башне. Выпил Сета в подвале. EVERYONE IS GONE. T_T
Дата: 10 января 2010 г.
Подпись: .
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
00:00: Black-and-white footage of a large group of people riding bicycles along a road lined with large crowds of people. The video appears distorted, as well as very old.
There is audio, but it is fuzzy and sounds distorted or slowed down.
00:03: It begins to cut to a shot of a pair of high wheel bicycles, but before the shot can resolve, it cuts to a black screen with white text:
Return to us
00:05: Black-and-white footage of a sailor in a public restroom, in front of a sink and mirror. Overlaid on the bottom right corner of the image are the words:
Wake up
There is fuzzy distortion on this clip.
00:06: The sailor picks something up form the soap dish and steps towards the garbage can, raising his hand as if to throw it away.
Further audio cuts in here, a higher-pitched and slightly louder layer of fuzzy noise.
00:09: The footage reverses, so that the sailor steps back towards the sink.
00:10: Cut to a black screen with text. The text appears to consist of white-and-color static-like distortion. It reads:
The second layer of audio gets a little higher-pitched.
00:13: A still image of the red tower with the operator symbol scratched in, as seen in Entry #21.
The audio cuts out.
00:13: Video ends.
Что есть: Return to us
Wake up
aiatiwnguoryrarialv - анаграмма к awaiting your arrival
моряк в WC?
люди на велосипедах - "The bicycle parade shown is footage from the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition. It took place in San Francisco, and it was a World's Fair of sorts".
Admission (два ТТА подряд! а фигли было игнорить?)
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Ответ на: Entry #16 (!!!), где спойлерДжей забирается в Тот Самый Дом первый раз. И да, там действительно некоторые двери были закрыты.
Дата: 15 января 2010 г.
Подпись под видео: +
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] Black screen.
[00:01] Very distorted footage of what appears to be a dark interior, facing a window covered by slatted blinds, creating a bar pattern. The distortion is in the form of grainy, high-contrast black, white, red and yellow, with small bits of cyan and green over the slatted area.
Low, grainy noise can be heard in the background. It remains steady throughout the video.
[00:05] Three hollow, high-pitched tapping noises can be heard, in the rhythm "tap, tap tap".
[00:06] Very slowly, a silhouetted figure enters from the right and passes over the slatted section of the frame, head bowed at about a 45 degree angle. The figure's legs cannot be seen moving.
[00:14] One faint, and two slightly louder tapping noises can be heard, in the same rhythm as before
[00:18] The figure continues to move to the left, passing into the dark section of the frame. The silhouette can still be detected faintly, due to bits of the grainy distortion.
[00:23] Another tap is heard.
The footage changes, appearing to pull further back on the same scene. The same slatted section is visible at the middle of the frame, smaller than before.
The audio distortion takes on a second tone, slightly louder and higher-pitched.
Two more taps are heard.
[00:25] A half-door at waist or chest height begins to open, with no apparent outside influence.
[00:34] The door is fully open.
[00:35] The door slams shut. The sound of the door shutting is audible.
[00:36] Fuzzier audio distortion can be heard, gaining volume.
[00:37] The footage begins to distort, becoming wavy and shot through with red and green vertical lines.
[00:40] The footage distorts completely, becoming unrecognizable, abstract shapes.
Cut to a black screen, with white text:
There are doors
The previous audio has cut out, and high-pitched audio kicks in, such as can be heard on a television color testing screen.
[00:41] Additional white text joins the previous, on a second line and offset so that the first letter is below the space between "are" and "doors":
[00:43] The audio falters, and cuts out.
The video ends.
Что есть: некий дом, вероятно, тот самый
открывающаяся-закрывающаяся дверь
фигура на фоне вертикальных жалюзи (?) - вероятно, Оператор
There are doors unopened
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После: Entry #23, где спойлерДжей лезет в третий раз в Тот Самый Дом, уже днём - но это не очень-то и помогает. Капец пространственно-временному континууму, а ещё это проклятый подвал Оператор опасносте!!!11адынадын
Дата: 3 февраля 2010 г.
Подпись под видео: failure nigh
Тэги: Marble, Hornets, Ark
Текстовый пересказ видео
[0:01-0:02] The screen is filled with static.
[0:03-0:08] A strange distorted noise is heard, and over the static on screen, the words “The following are raw footage excerpts from ALex Kralie” are seen.
[0:09-0:13] A wooden drawing mannequin is shown in a shadowed screen, and stop-motion animated to move its head around and rotate at the hips.
[0:14-0:15] The screen goes blank again, with the handwritten words “EYES OPen.” The “O” has an x through it, causing it to resemble the Operator Symbol.
[0:16-0:18] The eyes of the Mask are seen, apparently against paper, with the words “Stay Home” seen through the eye holes.
[0:19-0:22] A blurred video of someone wearing the Mask can be seen, their head rocking slowly back and forth.
[0:23-0:24] A similar scene as 0:16-0:18 is displayed, but this time, the words “Be Alone” are seen in the eyeholes.
[0:24-0:26] The drawing mannequin is again seen, still stop-motion animated to its jerky motion.
[0:27-0:28] A screen covered in overlapping circles is seen.
[0:29] Someone is seen wearing the Mask, facing the camera, with their eyes rolling wildly. The video is clearer than previous scenes.
[0:30-0:31] A blank, slightly static-y screen with the words “Smile for the camera” is seen.
[0:32-0:33] A series of X’s are drawn through the overlapping circles from the earlier screen.
[0:34-0:35] A large white “erased” X is drawn through the whole screen.
[0:35-0:36] A blurred video of a person wearing the Mask is again seen. This time, it appears the person has black or dark hair.
[0:37-0:38]The drawing mannequin is seen a third time, still moving.
[0:39-0:42] the word “Regards” is seen, underlined with a flourish.
[Latter half of 0:42] The words “Smile for DeAtH” are seen.
Что есть: The following are raw footage excerpts from ALex Kralie - заглавные буквы дают TALK
EYES OPen (О записана как символ Оператора)
Stay HoMe
Be Alone
Smile for the Camera
Smile for DeAth
двигающаяся куколка для зарисовывания поз, похожая на марионетку
Оператора символы в количестве
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ??
Entry ######
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После Entry #24, в которой спойлерДжей выясняет, что не все двери в его доме ведут туда, куда положено. При этом не приходя в сознание, судя по всему. А мы выясняем, НАСКОЛЬКО он параноил, раз выставил столько камер по всему дому.
Дата: 5 марта 2010 г.
Подпись: ____ (Почему-то и wiki, и TTADecoded показывали пустое ничего вместо длинной линии подчёркивания. Втф?)
Тэги: Marble, Hornets
Текстовый пересказ видео
[00:00] A large operator symbol written with black on a white background, speculated to be some sort of whiteboard. High-contrast distortion renders the far right portion of the frame black. The image "boils", being three different images of the Operator symbol interchanged at three-frame intervals. There is a single, slightly garbled tone overlaying the clip.
[00:02] A a fuzzy, rectangular black shape with a slanted top and an irregular left side appears on a white background. It is not a still image, but appears to have been filmed with a stationary camera and pulses slightly. The audio tone continues, a second, lower, buzzing tone joins the first.
[00:03] The buzzing tone increases in volume and then quickly decreases again. This continues throughout the video with different volumes and tones.
[00:04-00:06] A very distorted voice begins to speak: "We will wait for you no more."
[00:06] An image of two grey-white ovals on a black ground, with some grey artifacts around the edges. It is not a still image either. The image blurs and pulses slightly.
[00:07-00:10] The distorted voice continues: "Control is being taken away from you."
[00:08] A high-contrast distorted image of what appears to be the mask, seen from a high angle, medium grey on a black background. The mask is moving, as if the person wearing it is leaning further forward.
[00:09] The mask moves upward again, as if the person is sitting up. This continues till the mask disappears out the top of the frame. It passes through some intermittent shadow before it disappears.
[00:10] The masked figure, seen from the shoulders up against a grey wall. There does not appear to be much contrast distortion on this section. The masked figure is moving his head, and the filming is jerky and rapid, similar to stop motion or very rapid cuts. The masked man goes from looking to the left of the frame, to looking up, to looking to the right of the frame.
[00:11-00:13] The distorted voice continues: "From the start this has been a game (to/for) us."
[00:11] A blurry shape evocative of a face or the mask against a grainy, mostly black background. The face appears to be moving slightly, very slowly, from head slightly tilted down to looking straight forward. There are blurring and contrast distortion on this shot.
[00:13] A blurry shot of the masked man from the chest up. The same distortion and contrast adjustments are present on this shot. The masked man's image moves left slightly, as if the camera is steady but not stationary.
[00:15-00:16] The distorted voice continues: "Not anymore."
[00:15] A very blurry shot of a figure, obscured by vertical slats of black and grey that sway back and forth. The figure is very blurry, but the shape of the eye sockets suggest that this is also the masked man.
[00:18] A close-up, blurry shot of the mask on the left of the frame. He tilts his head abruptly and rapidly moves offscreen to the left.
[00:18-00:19] The voice continues: "I'm coming for you."
[00:19] Another shot of the masked man through the vertical slats. This shot is less blurry than the previous, and there is less of the grainy distortion. The masked man moves towards the camera until he is passing through the blinds.
[00:19-00:21] The voice continues: "And you will lead me"
[00:20] A high-angle close-up shot of the mask, with a great deal of grainy high-contrast distortion.
[00:21] A clip of the masked man rapidly tossing his head. This clip is very high-contrast, but much more in focus.
[00:21] A clip of a male figure wearing a light-colored, collared jacket putting the mask over his face.
[00:22] A clip of the figure behind the moving blinds. The blinds turn, obscuring the figure with grey surfaces, and then continue to turn, rendering the whole frame black.
[00:22-00:23] The voice continues: "to the ark."
[00:23] An indistinct, blurry image of an assortment of random of grey and black blotches. These appear to blur out of focus, and then the black areas grow until they overtake the entire screen.
[00:26] The video ends.
Что есть:
We will wait for you no more. Control is being taken away from you. From the start, it has been a game for us. Not anymore.
I'm coming for you, and you will lead me. To the ark. Кстати, интересно, почему множественное число первого лица меняется на единственное. О_о
Маски в ассортименте, кто-то даже утверждает, что это разные Персоны
символ Оператора
Предположительное авторство и адресат: ?? но вот это самое интересное, лол
@темы: MH
Мне кажется, или половина зашифрованной фигни прошла мимо меня?
Ну вот вроде бы я где-то видела, как утверждали, что Тим или Джозеф говорили лол XD, что Трой в первом сезоне overcomplicated things сверх всякой меры. О_о Так что скорее в последующих сезонах они взяли курс на упрощение и бОльшую понятность для зрителя. Не то чтобы это особенно зрителю помогло.
И айдонноу, я в принципе ничего сверхнового не увидела за исключением момента озарения насчёт стигматов, разумеется