The act of observation changes the narrative
Вот. Поэтому. Я. И. Не. Захожу. В. Раздел. Официального. Форума. THAC. Посвящённый. Marble. Hornets.

Потому что даже в грёбанной теме, посвящённой тому, какую же БОЛЬ представляет из себя вся история Брайана Х., пост топикстартера представляет из себя вот это:

"brian thomas
painfully plain in name but painfully beautiful in heart and face
i wanna talk about how horrifying it is that TO's influence could change someone into what he became. like. as far as we know, brian didn't have anything going on in his brain prior to anything mh-related. tim, i'm gonna guess already had some stuff taking place, and TO exacerbated it because it does that.
it says a lot about TO's power if it could take this kind-for-no-reason-but-to-be-kind person, someone who took a look at alex's sсript and genuinely seemed to like it, wanted to be there to help his friend with his shitty movie, loved tim and all his grumpy feelings
i think we can all agree hoodie is a douchebag lmao
what could TO do to change brian like that? what /happened to him/? discuss, maybe?" (с)

"i think we can all agree hoodie is a douchebag lmao"

"i think we can all agree hoodie is a douchebag lmao"


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