The act of observation changes the narrative
"I am also proud to announce that I attended my first Ultra Board Meeting. Of course, I can’t tell you anything about it, much like I thought. I can’t even confirm if it’s an ultra board or an ultra meeting. I do apologize because I hate leaving things a mystery. If everything I discussed during these announcements was just some vague hint or suggestion at something greater with some meandering plot thrown in and no real conclusion of any sort, then I don’t think it would be edifying to listen to me at all. I’m not even sure why you would tune in. So I will do my best to keep my announcements detailed, and to only leave room for doubt when it helps us to ensure maximum Evil." (c) Kakos Industries, Ep. 24, "Drive"

Почему у меня упорное ощущение, что это была шпилька в сторону Welcome To Night Vale? :lol:

Серьёзно, Kakos Industries прекрасен настолько, насколько я никогда не думала может быть прекрасна вещь про Злую Корпорацию Зла и про её нового CEO. :gigi:

Я поняла, что влюбилась в эту вещь по уши, вот на этом моменте:

"In an effort to provide the world with greater and greater levels of ignorance, Kakos University is proud to unveil its School of Social Justice. Have you ever found yourself arguing with someone with whom you mostly agree, but their method of argumentation is truly repugnant to you? This is something we hope to take credit for in the future. At Kakos University, students from all backgrounds and all walks of life will be welcomed into a program promising to help them change the world in which they live. Once inside the program, our talented instructors will begin to teach the students the ideas and beliefs that will truly bring society forward, but in addition, the students will also be taught to disregard any and all traditional means of argument, relying instead on ad hominem attacks and many other fallacies. The students at the Kakos University school of Social Justice will no doubt be on the right side of history, but it will be questionable whether or not they are fighting for or against their comrades. For every misspelled, logically inconsistent infographic that circulates social media, you’ll be able to thank us. For every article about the various feminist failings of a pop idol in an effort to keep their website high in search results, you’ll be able to thank us. For every shrieking, incoherent rant tearing you down for not agreeing with them the right way, you’ll be able to thank us. And for every success for which they claim credit in bringing about, you’ll be able to thank us as well."

Я всегда знала, что чуваки, борющиеся за social awareness методами, которые заставляют оппонентов только утвердиться в своём мнении (потому что как люди, ведущие себя настолько неадекватно и использующие настолько грязные методы ведения дискуссий, могут бороться за что-то хорошее?) - это особый вид зла. Но не умела это так удачно выразить. :D

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@темы: audiofiction, Kakos Industries