The act of observation changes the narrative
Holy shit, люди. Holy shit.


Я узнала о выходе такой штуки как The Ice-Bound Concordance

И это почти как футуристический "House of Leaves" (о котором я когда-то немного писала в числе прочего). Это - интерактивный роман, использующий аугментированную реальность, едва ли не первый в своём роде.

И он про human/AI hybrid и нарратив. *__*

клик по изображению для увеличения

"Kristopher Holmquist died an unknown, struggling to write stories in an unheated New York apartment. But years later, his work was discovered, gradually becoming incredibly popular. With millions of fans wondering how his final, unfinished novel would have ended, a clever publisher commissions an artificial intelligence "simulacrum" of Holmquist, called KRIS, to find out.

Holmquist's unfinished book—a novel called Ice-Bound—centers around a remote polar research base, eternally sinking into ice. With successive owners over years and decades building fresh new layers on top, the station became a vertical labyrinth of forgotten histories. Each level (and each chapter) moves farther back in time, deeper into the ice.

Who were the people who lived here? What stories lie buried beneath them? And what's at the bottom, the deepest level down: the enigmatic foundations of Carina Station?"

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@темы: interactive fiction